Life vibrates with joy and hope. Cultivating Joy rewires the brain to help you become more compassionate, resilient, energized, and purposeful. ************************* "Be confident of this very thing, that I who have begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ. Take my word for it."~Phil.1:6
Thursday, August 26, 2021
Wednesday, August 25, 2021
To a great season ahead, and to all of you who’ve supported me through year 71 or is it 72, thank you so much. It’s been an A-MA-ZINGer of a year.
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Drink coffee! Do Stupid Things Faster with More Energy. |
Life has a funny way of giving you what you need, not what you want. And I guess life just realized that I needed a morning like this to start my day.
To-Go bags are basically gift wrap for THE PERFECT PRESENT.
"Life’s too memorable to not "seize the day".
Life journey, endure it we must, along with its bumps and learning we must. Navigating those bumps are great learning lessons or bust."~rjs
We accumulate so much in so many years of living.
Make every moment count they say.
Life is speeding along.
When you get older it seems like years have gone by in the time it takes you to blink your eye.
Remember childhood? When time seemed to last forever?
How much joy can you squeeze from life?
Grab a hold of joy when you can because
you never know what the next day brings.
Appreciate the journey, most of the time we don't end up where we expect.
Appreciating the now, for which I am constantly reminding myself, I will consider myself better off while keeping my eye on the goal.
There are several things I consider as goals for the coming year, to never stop learning, to stay curious, to view all things as temporary, and to prepare the mind for change.
I am optimistic about my next year in life and look forward with anticipation as to what God has planned.
I'm ready for an epic adventure, the syrup of my dreams. haha.
Sunday, August 15, 2021
As the curtain opened to a new milestone, moving upstream, I found myself where memories were more rememberable. The period in life that was impressionable to this toddler/pre-schooler.
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The House Beside The Road |
Tucked to the side, a side yard, overgrown and barely visible from the road, was my play ground. It was a well-preserved weathered adobe house.
One day an unspeakable small tragedy occurred. In a rambunctious sort of way, I had lost my eye glasses in a bed of hay. The call for reinforcements had everyone on their hands and knees, searching for the toddler size glasses of which I was not a help due to my lack of almost blindness without them. In a three yr. old sort of way upon being asked where I thought they could be, I would say “here”, “no, over here”. Relief was in sight when someone finally discovered them buried in the loose straw.
“Sometimes the finest adventures are the ones where you can simply slow down and appreciate the beauty which surrounds you.”
There's nothing like the discovery of a hidden memory jarred by some photo, something said, or mesmerized by something read or seen or heard.
Once a month or so, I would accompany my father into the city to purchase supplies. Although there was a physical closeness, I always felt that my fathers thoughts were far away perhaps armed with the list my mother had handed him and burdened by the thought of having forgotten something that we would then have to wait for a future trip the next month. On occasion, he would be given the task to purchase something for others.
Perhaps he carried the thoughts of the difficulties he had encountered on a previous trip into a remote village.
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Stone bridge with impressive cobblestone that crossed a stream, in front of the house beside the road.
The general thinking in the early 50’s was “spare the rod and spoil the child.” I was expected to behave. In those days I was allowed to explore with few restrictions.
My mother was not one to spare. One day she gave me a healthy dose of discipline to an offense I do not remember. She inadvertently, gave me a hard swat on the keister which resulted in a broken blood vessel in her hand.
The next time, I was sent out to the wood pile in search of a switch, the thinner, the more painful, I learned.
My father on the other hand, never laid a hand on me, just the look or a spoken word was enough to show his disapproval and set me straight.
I am reminded of:
Proverbs 29:15 that, "The rod and reproof give wisdom: but a child left to himself bringeth his mother to shame."
And have on occasion thought that had I not been
left to myself so many times that some of my independent and unsupervised wild escapades would have tamed and prepared me more for the spiritual disciplines of life.
We lived in the house beside the road until I was around eight while our house on the mountain was being built.
Since the dawn of my existence, “There are some images so powerful they can never be forgotten.”
The reminders are there, that I am, have been securely nestled in God's presence and he remains the same when I am faced with struggles.
Saturday, August 7, 2021
It’s an incredible time to be alive!
It’s the seasons of life that impact us the most.
In the large impressive courtyard among the sheltering plants an unsuspecting toddler explored among the foliage unaware of hidden dangers and gems in a small remote village in the South Eastern Mexico.
It was the beginning of my own memorable timetable.
It was the beginning of many breathtaking and unforgettable adventures.
In the shadow of the Catholic Church bell tower, the bells constantly rang at all times of the day, a constant reminder of the dark shadows surrounding us, the courtyard enveloped us, giving a sense of secureness. On Sundays while holding worship service, the nuns would march around our compound to disrupt worship.
We are on God’s timeline.
7/17/21. The other day as I was reading the account of Peter visiting Cornelius’s house, I was struck by the fact of the similarities between some of the events in my life. (Acts 10:23 -26) “…had called together his relatives and close friends.” “Found a large gathering of people”, when Peter entered the house.
On occasion, I would accompany my father on one of his visits to a remote village. As we approached the village, a "runner", a young boy usually would sound the alarm that we would be at such and such's house. The women would scurry around to prepare a large meal for us "travelers".
After the meal would follow an impromptu church service, often times late into the night, long after my tired self was found dozing on one of the hard wooden benches. The hunger for God's Word was evident.
I often stop, turn to gaze on the path/sidewalk/boardwalk I had just followed and wondered at the view of the last few moments, and past
survival events on this journey called life.
Oh, yes, that walk has been sprinkled with the beauty of simple pleasures and simple strenuous, exhausting struggles that consumed that journey.
But eventually, stepping through each clearing, that often left me gasping and speechless, and wondering what in the heck is going on only to ponder later of the moments that God has, is, and carried me through many unspeakable, crushing moments of pain.
My father's vision was to bring the gospel to the remote parts of Mexico. He was persuaded by the guiding principles of the apostle Paul and hence I was placed into this timeline.
What emerged from this continuum were difficult seasons, and times where I had never been before.
I lived on borrowed time, defining my times regarded as temporary and very transient.
It's the seasons in God's timeline that impact the most. The need to mentally and physically prepare for this daunting journey is tremendous. I often find myself appallingly unprepared.
THE NOSEY NEIGHBOR-Crepe Myrtle, Jacarandas
The most defining moments these days have been my photo walks in the neighborhood.
This morning, as I was strolling through parts I usually try to avoid because of its ugliness, I got crazily aesthetic pleasure again over the long lasting magnificent violet Jacaranda trees that overshadowed trash and discards on Barbara Ann Street.
These beautiful hot spots are punctuated throughout the neighborhood. Even the most run down spots can turn it into a somewhat splendid display.
When the flowers drop, a carpet of joy hits the eye but then decomposes.
Legend has it if the flower falls on your head, it means good fortune for you.
Jacaranda represents wisdom, rebirth, wealth and good luck.
This year it appears, the blooms are extending their season just for me to enjoy.
So I look upwards into the trees, following the slow descent of its trumpet-shaped flowers back to the messy sidewalk in their wake with many more to replace them, relishing in their beauty, hoping that a flower will fall on me, Ha,Ha.

The longer, this chaotic yet magnificent season brings, the greater anticipation of what God might be doing throughout this season. The Jacaranda tree can not be quarantined.
If the June Gloom is strong, the purple blooms will last long.
If June Gloom is long, regardless of the unrest, the wonderful display should lift our hearts and unveil the gentle reminder that this is God’s world too. He is in the mess with us.
Be steadfast in mind. (Isa. 3:4 "The steadfast of mind Thou will keep in perfect PEACE, because he trusts in Thee..."
I can’t help but be swept away by the glorious carpet of the blooms until it has to be cleaned up or you park underneath it. Ponder the beauty of that unexpected mess and surprise.
“You will go out in joy and be led forth in peace; the mountains and hills will burst into song before you, and all the trees of the field will clap their hands.” (Isaiah 55:12)
"Many, O Lord my God,
are the wonders you have done.
The things you planned for us
no one can recount to you; were
I to speak and tell of them, they
would be too many to declare." Ps.40:5