THE NOSEY NEIGHBOR , days of hit and miss. 8/4/21
The most defining moments these days have been my photo walks in the neighborhood.
This morning, as I was strolling through parts I usually try to avoid because of its ugliness, I got crazily aesthetic pleasure again over the long lasting magnificent violet Jacaranda trees that overshadowed trash and discards on Barbara Ann Street.
These beautiful hot spots are punctuated throughout the neighborhood. Even the most run down spots can turn it into a somewhat splendid display.
When the flowers drop, a carpet of joy hits the eye but then decomposes.
Legend has it if the flower falls on your head, it means good fortune for you.
Jacaranda represents wisdom, rebirth, wealth and good luck.
This year it appears, the blooms are extending their season just for me to enjoy.
So I look upwards into the trees, following the slow descent of its trumpet-shaped flowers back to the messy sidewalk in their wake with many more to replace them, relishing in their beauty, hoping that a flower will fall on me, Ha,Ha.

The longer, this chaotic yet magnificent season brings, the greater anticipation of what God might be doing throughout this season. The Jacaranda tree can not be quarantined.
If the June Gloom is strong, the purple blooms will last long.
If June Gloom is long, regardless of the unrest, the wonderful display should lift our hearts and unveil the gentle reminder that this is God’s world too. He is in the mess with us.
Be steadfast in mind. (Isa. 3:4 "The steadfast of mind Thou will keep in perfect PEACE, because he trusts in Thee..."
I can’t help but be swept away by the glorious carpet of the blooms until it has to be cleaned up or you park underneath it. Ponder the beauty of that unexpected mess and surprise.
“You will go out in joy and be led forth in peace; the mountains and hills will burst into song before you, and all the trees of the field will clap their hands.” (Isaiah 55:12)
"Many, O Lord my God,
are the wonders you have done.
The things you planned for us
no one can recount to you; were
I to speak and tell of them, they
would be too many to declare." Ps.40:5
— feeling alive.
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