Life vibrates with joy and hope. Cultivating Joy rewires the brain to help you become more compassionate, resilient, energized, and purposeful. ************************* "Be confident of this very thing, that I who have begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ. Take my word for it."~Phil.1:6
Friday, November 30, 2012
Thursday, November 29, 2012
Wednesday, November 28, 2012
Tuesday, November 27, 2012
Monday, November 26, 2012
Reflections on Patience..Because I need it! NOW!I

The mysteries of perfume

Sunday, November 25, 2012
Saturday, November 24, 2012
Friday, November 23, 2012
Wednesday, November 21, 2012
Tuesday, November 20, 2012
Christian Life Resources: Understanding the aging process.
Christian Life Resources Oh, this as a very good article. Everyone should read this, especially if find your self care giving.
Monday, November 19, 2012
Sunday, November 18, 2012
Thursday, November 15, 2012
1. The intricate delicate mechanism of the lungs steadily and silently (for some) taking in fresh air 18 to 20 times a minute. 2. The untiring heart pumping great quantities of clean blood through the labryinth of blood vessels. 3. The constant body temperature normally varying less than one degree. 4. The atmospheric temperature (varying widely, it is true, but never so much as to destroy human and animal live.) 5. The orderly succession of day and night, spring, summer, autumn, and winter, so that with few exceptions man can make his plans accordingly. 6. The great variety of foods from the farm, the field, the forest and the sea to suit our differing desires and physical needs. 7. The beauties of each day, the morning star and growing light of sunrise, the white clouds of afternoon, the soft tints of a peaceful sunset and the glory of the starry heavens. 8. The symphony of early morning bird songs, ranging from the unmusical trill of the chirping sparrow to the lilting tones of the wood and hermit thrushes. 9. The refreshment that sleep brings. 10. The simple joys of home, the children's laughter and whimsical remarks, happy times around the table, the love and understanding of husband and wife, and the harmony of voices raised together in praise to God... ---Philip E. Howard (E.Elliot's father) Oh we have so much more to be thankful for but let us not just confine our thanks to this one time of the year. We are so blessed by many other blessings. HAVE A BLESSED THANKSGIVING DAY you all.
ON CARE GIVING: slide show reposted
I'm In His Hands: I'm in His hands, what'er the future holds. I'm in His hands, the days I cannot see have all been planned for me. His way is best you see, I'm in His hands. Author unknown God is orchestrating the events in our lives. Romans 8:28
Brain Waves Make Waves | Bioscience Technology Online
Brain Waves Make Waves | Bioscience Technology Online This is fascinating to read. I have such a respect for the way we were created and I thank God for my hearing...
Wednesday, November 14, 2012
Wow! Lengthy! On Adult diapers
ISC Home Page Wow!, I did not know that so much could be said about adult diapers. Practical advice for those who are just beginning to use them.
Tuesday, November 13, 2012
Saturday, November 10, 2012
Friday, November 9, 2012
Thursday, November 8, 2012
"There are only four kinds of people in the world: those who have been caregivers, those who currently are caregivers: those who will be caregivers; and those who will need caregivers." --former first lady Rosalyn Carters words.
Wednesday, November 7, 2012
Like silver- the refining process.
Just love this story that I have carried in my Bible for years. I do not know who first wrote it but apparently it has been handed down through the years. "There was a group of women in a Bible study on the book of Malachi. As they were studying chapter three, they came across verse three which says: He will sit as a refiner and purifier of silver. This verse puzzled the women and they wondered what this statement meant about the character and nature of God. One of the women offered to find out about the process of refining silver and get back to the group at their next Bible study. That week this woman called up a silver smith and made an appointment to watch him at work. She did not mention anything about the reason for her interest in silver beyond her curiosity about the process of refining silver. As she watched the silver smith, he held a piece of silver over the fire and let it heat up. He explained that in refining silver, one needed to hold the silver in the middle of the fire where the flames were hottest so as to burn away all the impurities. The woman thought about God holding us in such a hot spot---then she thought again about the verse, that he sits as a refiner and purifier of silver. She asked the silver smith if it was true that he had to sit there in front of the fire the whole time the silver was being refined. The man answered that yes, he not only had to sit there holding the silver, but he had to keep his eyes on the silver the entire time it was in the fire. If the silver was left even a moment too long in the flames, it would be destroyed. The woman was silent for a moment. Then she asked the silver smith, how do you know when the silver is fully refined? He smiled at her and answered, "Oh, that's easy--when I see my image in it." What a beautiful analogy.
Tuesday, November 6, 2012
Monday, November 5, 2012
In retrospect-we all need some respite care-whether we are giving it or receiving it-taking it in different forms. Help me, Lord to choose a beneficial activity during that time and use it wisely as to get the most benefit out of my tired weary body, and mind. You promise that our minds can be renewed & refreshed.
Everybody has a Story: Care Giving part 10
In 2002 my Care Giving emphasis shifted even more, toward home care. I took a position as a favor for a good friends, good friend. It proved to be my most humbling, most challenging, most difficult three months of experience I have ever had in Care Giving. She was an enigma. This woman was in her 90's, very petite, some what frail with COPD, with Monk-like tendencies (OCD), and a very strong will, and lived on the 9th floor of Fickett Towers. She constantly lectured on cleanliness and godliness, followed me around as I worked, constantly offering her expertise. One day she said to me, "Honestly, Becky, Where did you learn to clean?" I spent my days fluffing and plumping up pillows and thick-like down comforters and avoiding her "WHITE SATIN SOFA". I learned the difference between yams and sweet potatoes and introduced to organic grown foods and how to cook CARE GIVING STEW. (Stephanie Stew) One day at not being able to meet her expectations of cleanliness and after three times taking dishes out of the cupboards demanding that I re-wash them, I was reminded of a statement I had heard once, "If you can't please man then try to please The Lord." So I cried out to God in my frustration, He would answer and she would dismiss me courtly to leave the apt. or do something else. She would constantly remind me that I was her maid, her housekeeper and her servant. One day she told me: "Never hire a missionary to work for you. They are lazy. They just sit at their desks on the field and write letters asking for money." Hmmm, it was one of those days, and there were many that I left work close to tears. For two weeks, I had to go down 9 floors to use the lobby restrooms, asking for the key each time after we had given her bathroom a thorough cleaning and with a sign posted for me "Off Limits". My every move in the laundry room, 9 floors down, was augmented by a lecture on the fine arts of laundering or other matters pertaining to being the BEST provider according to her interpretation. She felt I was incompetent and perhaps did not know that I had been doing laundry for 40 years and had cared for others. One day after I had furiously cleaning her small apt., she commented on HOW TIRED WE WERE because of all the work WE had done. The ironic thing about all this cleaning was that when I left each day the bottom of my feet were always black. I was not allowed to wear shoes and often went bare footed. I was not allowed to sit just anywhere. I had my own chair that I was expected to use if I had to sit down. She often told stories and one of them was about her apt. catching fire. The carpets must not of been cleaned well after that. Mystery solve to the black feet. After taking such pains to clean and maintain that bathroom, the maintenance men traipsed through to repair the water heater to much consternation on her part. One day I had to drag out 3 large carpets that the Tibetan monks had made for her while she was in Nepal. I vacuumed them and place them around in preparation for some visitors she was expecting the following week. She shared, how horrifying it was to see the Tibetan children using her curtains and table clothes to wipe their noses on as everyone in Nepal had constant running noses. The highlights of some of those days were listening to more of those stories and also I often read the Scriptures to her upon request. We read the whole book of Ephesians, Philipians, Colossians, and other passages. She frequently referred to the Scriptures as "PRECIOUS AND UNPERISHABLE". After three months my Saga with Stephanie ended with enormous relief. I had originally planned to stay 6 months at this position, however, she was making it more difficult by telling me how unhappy she was with me and that she could find someone better and that she already had. I gave two weeks notice and when that dead line came, she begged me to stay on but I had another position I was to begin at that time. Her parting words to me were bitter. She told me that I had marred her character by telling her friends how mean she was to me. "Becky" she said "You are very proud and proudfull." A long silence prevailed, I bit my tongue, tears welling up. I had just devoted 3 months of my life in the most humbling experiences. I got up, grabbed the trash bags and my belonging, walked out the door toward the trash chute, shoved it in with vengeance, listened for the faint thump as it landed 9 stories into the dumpster below. I walked briskly to the elevator, pushed that button for the last time, waited for it to arrive, and down 9 flights, out the door to the car. With a great sigh of relief and a Praise The Lord shout, I started the car and headed for home. I was never so glad to be greeted by my own messy kitchen. I was already into my next postion as I had started it the day before this last day at Stephs for a good friend with arthritic disabilities. My duties consisted of mostly domestic ones and requests for the Care Giving Stew. Although my work environment was pleasant, I began to have some health issues of my own and had to terminate this job after only 4 months. I then took a break from senior care giving but devoted more time to the church nursery for awhile. May 4, 2006, I resumed my care giving journey and began my many adventures with MY LADY (In previous blog some of that story) As her needs increased due to Alzheimer's, I took leave from the nursery work and was with her for 5 years. Those 5 years were the most awesome years in all my care giving adventures. After she passed on, I again resumed working in the church nursery and a part-time position for an agency and for 7 months helped give respite care to an AD challenged Gentleman. Although I am technically still with the agency, they have found no position for me as of yet. Then for three weeks, I helped with a very gracious lady who had just had a knee replacement. When she no longer needed my services, Laurie approached me about seeing if my husband and I could help out with some of Gary's needs which brings me up to the present.
Friday, November 2, 2012
Everybody has a Story: SoCal Part 9
Upon graduation and a fine summer of getting re-aquainted with my family, my sister and I loaded our meager belongings and headed for Southern California. (July 27,1972) My previous negative impressions of SoCal put aside, I considered this opportunity for a good clean break from the memories of the past year. The change brought new horizons, new hope, and new experiences. We found a cute apt. near where the Glendale Galleria would be built in the future. I was again blessed with an aide job at the Broadview Convalescent Hospital in Glendale. I began getting acquainted with friends at Church Of The Open Door where I began attending and hanging out with an uncle and aunt who were on staff at Gospel Recordings. I was invited for a tour of the facilities and later invited to spend the summer as an intern. When that summer ended, I did not feel led to go back to my old job, deciding that Gospel Recordings was where God was leading. For the next 20 years my life revolved around that ministry, working in the shipping and ordering department. I met my future husband there. The Lord brought us together only to have that relationship disolve temporarily to resume later after sorting out issues. December 13,1975, we were married at Montecito Park Union Church by Highland Park. Our first home was a shack-like house in a back alley in the heart of LA. A year later we heard excited friends describe this wonderful church out in the Valley and decided to visit. We made it our home church. That church GCC. We then purchased a house one mile from church where we still reside. In this home we raised three daughters and one son. We experienced the excitement of all home births and did much homeschooling. God had other plans for the other three to be with Him. September l,1994, I shifted some of my ministry by coming on staff at church, working in the nursery, primarily with two year olds. This was to be my ministry with periodic breaks in between until the present where I am still involved.
Thursday, November 1, 2012
Everyone has a Story: The diamond part 8
For a time, I reveled in the fact that I was engaged to a wonderful man and began making plans for the future. On Thanksgiving Day, 1970, he broke that promise. I sadly returned that gorgeous ring. I was completely devastated and an emotional wreck, however, these were times that I had to totally depend on God to help me work through this time, at times doubting the validity of my relationship with Him. I had many dark days and it took all effort to stay out of depression. I immersed myself in my studies and pressed on to graduation that same year. I had also quit my job at The Manor due to some difficulties. God in his graciousness opened up an opportunity to live-in and help take care of a lady with Alzheimer's. When that ended, I was provided another position as a companion for an elderly lady not far from the school. God continually proved that He was providing for me and taking care of me in a way I had never been cared for before and this was to continue till the present. Jehovah-Jirah, the Lord provides...
Everybody has a Story: Springfield part 7
I do not recall the reasons for my next move, however, I embraced it with a stoic attitude. Again, I packed my meager belongings. This move found me in Springfield, Ore. in the home of an uncle and aunt with three young girls. Here I attended my senior year at a public school, however, I was much more prepared as well as having three good friends from church to share experiences with. I found myself caught up in the many activities of a young person, losing some of my fervor for spiritual things. It was difficult to find a quiet place to nurture what I did have. It was here that I was introduced to living with the mentally challenged and stressed-out parents as my three cousins were diagnosed with PKU, each with distinct mental deficiencies and challenges. The kitchen became my friend and it was here that I experimented with meals as the rest of the family struggled to cope with daily living. For two years I assisted the family as well as completing my senior year of high school and later taking classes at Lane Community College in Eugene to transfer later to a Bible College. A childhood friend had been killed in a car accident around this time just upon graduating. This incident spurred me on to renew my spiritual commitment. The Lord led me to Multnomah School Of The Bible(Multnomah University now) through circumstances that I do not recall. The next four years were spiritually exhilarating, emotionally devastating and physically exhausting. The demands on my life sent me on a roller coaster of emotions and mental exercises I had never experienced before. I had just come from a Summer of working at the Alliance Convalescent Hospital in Glendale, Ca. as a nurses aide where I had just got my on-the-job training. I recall with horror of some of those first experiences. Upon returning to school, I secured another job, at the Manor, also as an aide, juggling classes and work.
everybody has a Story: Thriving Part 6

After a tumultuous transition into the American culture, I was fortunate to attend a Christian high school for two years and school was kinder to me although I still felt a sense of relief at stepping off that school bus at the end of the day. Walking up that long long driveway gave me time to decompress. I continued to do poorly in most subjects. P.E., Home Economics, Typing, Spanish, and English saved my GPA so I could eventually graduate. I took classes seriously but with great effort, still could not capture those illusive higher scores. My brother, being 13 months younger,and I were in the same Science and Math classes. With his help I passed those classes. I was unusually slow in physical development, extraordinarily thin and thought myself to be unattractive which led to many insecurities. However, I did continue to have the stability of a caring and influential grandmother and my spiritual life thrived. We attended the Salem Christian & Missionary Alliance Church. I continued to avoid many of my peers, preferring to join my grandparents in their activities and Sunday School class. Although, God's Word had always been a part of my life, it continued to provide the anchor to my somewhat chaotic emotions and insecurities.
Everybody has a Story: Adapting & Transition Part 5

With a touch of sadness, my Mexico days were slowly drawing to a close. I was to undertake yet another year of school away from home. My brother and I packed our meager belongings and with Dad accompanying us to the border by bus, we began our journey to Oregon. At the border we were met by relatives who we then travelled by car to San Francisco. Arrangements had been made for us to live with our paternal grandparents. Although, I was looking forward toward these new adventures, there was some profound sadness at leaving my mother, my sister, and younger brothers. In those days homeschooling was not a favored option. The transition into public middle school was brutal. I was ridiculed and bullied, my brother began having horrendous migraines. My grandmother was a great source of comfort, a great prayer warrior, and a great influence. Although she was not well educated, she was a very godly woman. I preferred the company of my grandparents over my peers as I felt so insecure. I tend to think that this was where I was first drawn toward my future in CARE GIVING.
Everybody has a Story: Adapting & Transition

With a touch of sadness, my Mexico days were slowly drawing to a close. I was to undertake yet another year of school away from home. My brother and I packed our meager belongings and with Dad accompanying us to the border by bus, we began our journey to Oregon. At the border we were met by relatives who we then travelled by car to San Francisco. Arrangements had been made for us to live with our paternal grandparents. Although, I was looking forward toward these new adventures, there was some profound sadness at leaving my mother, my sister, and younger brothers. In those days homeschooling was not a favored option. The transition into public middle school was brutal. I was ridiculed and bullied, my brother began having horrendous migraines. My grandmother was a great source of comfort, a great prayer warrior, and a great influence. Although she was not well educated, she was a very godly woman. I preferred the company of my grandparents over my peers as I felt so insecure. I tend to think that this was where I was first drawn toward my future in CARE GIVING.
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