Life vibrates with joy and hope. Cultivating Joy rewires the brain to help you become more compassionate, resilient, energized, and purposeful. ************************* "Be confident of this very thing, that I who have begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ. Take my word for it."~Phil.1:6
Sunday, April 29, 2012
National Family Caregivers Association
National Family Caregivers Association I highly recommend this site and would encourage every one who is care giving to sign up for the TAKE CARE news letter as it has many valuable suggestions and advice on related topics.
Dry Up Grease Stains with Plain White Chalk
Dry Up Grease Stains with Plain White Chalk I know this doesn't sound like something that should belong on this blog, however, when one is giving care there can be a lot of accidents and this looks like something simple to do and keep the clothes, bibs presentable.
Saturday, April 28, 2012
Thursday, April 26, 2012
Concept on Change

Gentleness, Gentleness, Please
Lord, please put a guard over my mouth and help me to use more soothing and gentle words with those who may not understand exactly what I am trying to convey. Give me wisdom in my words today as so much can be mis-understood or maybe it is just not comprehended and I have a tendency to raise my voice and can get impatient at the outcome that I have expected. Keep my expecteds in proper perspective because sometimes, I just plain get so frustrated and inwardly I am throwing a tantrum like a two year old which would be a shame & damage to my witness if my thoughts were exposed. But you, God, you know everything, so for these improper thoughts, I must ask forgiveness.
Wednesday, April 25, 2012
Tuesday, April 24, 2012
My Lady: Transition Of Shifts from care giving experiences part 3
Transition of shifts:
We would log out and endorse to the next care giver. This would be the last transition for the three of us to endorse My Lady to the head Care giver of all, Jesus.
We were gathered together at the hospital in My Lady's room chatting quietly when SHE arrived in the room with an air of sophistication interrupting our chain of conversation.
She sat down next to my co-care givers, asking if there was anything she could do for us, after introducing herself as My Lady's spiritual advisor with the title of Rev.
Sensing the awkwardness of the situation and taken off guard, I began to explain what My Lady's spiritual health was and how thoroughly she had prepared herself for Heaven.
I also explained that we co-care givers were calmly prepared to accept the outcome. Although speaking for myself, I don't think anyone is totally prepared for any chain of events.
The Rev.Spiritual Advisor gave us an incredible look. With a flourish sensing that her spiritual advice was not needed she got up and briskly left the room with a "Well if you need anything, I am available."
She left her card on the table and disappeared. I did not see her again.
My Lady was an awesome, gracious woman, a testimony to her faith. She retained that dignity, composure to the very end, entrusting herself fully to those who care for her in the hospital.
We had some last precious moments to treasure together which are etched in my memory. I am grateful that I chose to stay with her till the end.
The hospital staff were so gracious except for those phlebotimists who continued to want her blood. After one of those blood drawing sessions, I noticed My Lady wince in pain. I then had a discussion with the nurse in charge and she agreed that there was not any need for any diagnostic tests and that I should just tell them to get lost. Yep, I had to tell them to get lost, she was dying and there was no need for more diagnostic test. Someone did not get the memo. They came 3 more times, even 30 min. prior to her last breath.
At around 1:30 am of Tue., I leaned close to My Lady's right ear and sang to her, caressed her face, messaged her shoulders & face.
Her body was very warm and still. Her eyes were very much dilated & mostly closed. She remained very peaceful and in no visible pain. Shortly after this, I drifted off to sleep to the rhythmic sound of the oxygen mask and delivery of air. The mask would rise & fall in tune to her labored breathing but was still strong and steady.
At around 4 am, I awoke suddenly as the rhythmic sound had changed to much slower pace & the oxygen mask was not rising & falling as high. Her breathing had become very shallow. I got up and sat next to her, caressed her face and sang to her again.
My mind went blank at times, struggling to think of the words to all the hymns we used to sing together. I sang JESUS LOVE ME many times, MY SAVIORS LOVE and PRAISE THE SAVIOR.
(It is during times as these one regrets not having a hymn book as well as a Bible in hand) Memories of my grandfather came to mind as I sang, he loved the Lord, and he could sing. After even yet another session of singing, I very closely began a conversation. We talked about Heaven and how those she loved were waiting for her and that she was not needed anymore here. She began to smile several times And I know she knew that Jesus was close and perhaps saw him. Because I can not fully describe that angelic like face soften and then it was like she was gone. Her hands were cold to touch. As I stood up briefly, My Lady had a seizure-like moment (like one struck by a taser gun) 30 sec. later she had another one. The nurse had never witnessed anything like this before. I would like to believe that it was at that moment that My Lady met Jesus even though her heart was strong and still beating she was not getting any oxygen and all other signs of life were gone. I just suddenly felt a deep calm like feeling which can be a strange thing at times for me cause I can become quite excitable.
My only regret was, well it was beyond my control though, would have been if these events would have occurred at home. Yet somehow, I am comforted by the fact that God was in control and orchestrated it all. I just prayed that the nurses and that Rev. had something to think about in relation to their own souls. From my care giving log, May 2011
MORE ON MY LADY click here
We would log out and endorse to the next care giver. This would be the last transition for the three of us to endorse My Lady to the head Care giver of all, Jesus.
We were gathered together at the hospital in My Lady's room chatting quietly when SHE arrived in the room with an air of sophistication interrupting our chain of conversation.
She sat down next to my co-care givers, asking if there was anything she could do for us, after introducing herself as My Lady's spiritual advisor with the title of Rev.
Sensing the awkwardness of the situation and taken off guard, I began to explain what My Lady's spiritual health was and how thoroughly she had prepared herself for Heaven.
I also explained that we co-care givers were calmly prepared to accept the outcome. Although speaking for myself, I don't think anyone is totally prepared for any chain of events.
The Rev.Spiritual Advisor gave us an incredible look. With a flourish sensing that her spiritual advice was not needed she got up and briskly left the room with a "Well if you need anything, I am available."
She left her card on the table and disappeared. I did not see her again.
My Lady was an awesome, gracious woman, a testimony to her faith. She retained that dignity, composure to the very end, entrusting herself fully to those who care for her in the hospital.
We had some last precious moments to treasure together which are etched in my memory. I am grateful that I chose to stay with her till the end.
The hospital staff were so gracious except for those phlebotimists who continued to want her blood. After one of those blood drawing sessions, I noticed My Lady wince in pain. I then had a discussion with the nurse in charge and she agreed that there was not any need for any diagnostic tests and that I should just tell them to get lost. Yep, I had to tell them to get lost, she was dying and there was no need for more diagnostic test. Someone did not get the memo. They came 3 more times, even 30 min. prior to her last breath.
At around 1:30 am of Tue., I leaned close to My Lady's right ear and sang to her, caressed her face, messaged her shoulders & face.
Her body was very warm and still. Her eyes were very much dilated & mostly closed. She remained very peaceful and in no visible pain. Shortly after this, I drifted off to sleep to the rhythmic sound of the oxygen mask and delivery of air. The mask would rise & fall in tune to her labored breathing but was still strong and steady.
At around 4 am, I awoke suddenly as the rhythmic sound had changed to much slower pace & the oxygen mask was not rising & falling as high. Her breathing had become very shallow. I got up and sat next to her, caressed her face and sang to her again.
My mind went blank at times, struggling to think of the words to all the hymns we used to sing together. I sang JESUS LOVE ME many times, MY SAVIORS LOVE and PRAISE THE SAVIOR.
(It is during times as these one regrets not having a hymn book as well as a Bible in hand) Memories of my grandfather came to mind as I sang, he loved the Lord, and he could sing. After even yet another session of singing, I very closely began a conversation. We talked about Heaven and how those she loved were waiting for her and that she was not needed anymore here. She began to smile several times And I know she knew that Jesus was close and perhaps saw him. Because I can not fully describe that angelic like face soften and then it was like she was gone. Her hands were cold to touch. As I stood up briefly, My Lady had a seizure-like moment (like one struck by a taser gun) 30 sec. later she had another one. The nurse had never witnessed anything like this before. I would like to believe that it was at that moment that My Lady met Jesus even though her heart was strong and still beating she was not getting any oxygen and all other signs of life were gone. I just suddenly felt a deep calm like feeling which can be a strange thing at times for me cause I can become quite excitable.
My only regret was, well it was beyond my control though, would have been if these events would have occurred at home. Yet somehow, I am comforted by the fact that God was in control and orchestrated it all. I just prayed that the nurses and that Rev. had something to think about in relation to their own souls. From my care giving log, May 2011
MORE ON MY LADY click here
My Lady, A Memory To Treasure
Oh, how My Lady loved Sundays!
She lived for Sundays!
She looked forward to Sundays!
On Mondays, she would frequently ask if it was Sunday. When told it was Monday, she would give a startled "What?" look and ask "Well, where did Sunday go?"
I would reply, "It went like any other day."
If she asked again, which she often did, many more times, I would reply with "This is the day the Lord has made." Sometimes we would break out in that song.
Sometimes I would sing that silly song, "It's Just Another Manic Monday" wish it were Sunday, that's my fun day.
"For a day in your courts is better than a thousand outside. I would rather stand at the threshold of the house of My God." Ps.84:10,26;8,27:4-6
would often come to mind when I would answer the, "Is it Sunday?" question for the hundred time.
After some time it got very impractical to take her to church and sit with her.
She insisted to sit in the front row so she could hear, but later became a distraction as she kept searching for her offering envelope or a kleenex. Her trips to church became infrequent as time went on and it got difficult to get her there.
God Will Take Care of You (Original Upload) - YouTube
God Will Take Care of You (Original Upload) - YouTube "Through days of toil when heart doth fail..." ONe of my Care giving Theme songs. May this two yr. old singing it bless your heart.
Monday, April 23, 2012
Dear God, About Respite care.
Dear God: About respite care, I need some of that too. The days seem so long, the nights even longer. My mind gets so tired of thinking for two of us. The intervals of rest and relief are so short. Help me to get through the long days and night. Give me the wisdom to choose which activities will be most beneficial to benefit my tired, and weary body and mind. You do provide for respite care for me, and I thank you for that, help me to accept graciously those times you give me and be grateful for any time regardless of the length of time given. Because, I always want more and it seems like it is never enough.
Sunday, April 22, 2012
Walking a fine line? Behavior issues? "As a care giver, we are walking a fine line between care for ourselves, providing needed care and trying to influence or make decisions on behalf of a loved one."
Saturday, April 21, 2012
MY LADY, Priceless Day: From Caregiving experiences Part 2
A Memory to Treasure: from care giving log, Jan. 2008--Sometimes My Lady says to me, "My friends up in Heaven will wonder why I am not there". "I don't know why I am still here on earth?" My reply, "Maybe it is so more of your neighbors will hear the Gospel." So one Sunday, we had that opportunity.
Unbeknownst to either of us, God had laid it upon our hearts to visit a neighbor with terminal cancer. I did not normally come on Sundays but did that one time.
My Lady was in bed napping but as soon as I got there, she said, "We are going to visit Christie!" We chatted for awhile and then, My Lady, said, with determination, "Well, lets get going!" She got her walker, and we trudged up the sidewalk to the next building.
After getting settled on chairs, we presented Christie with the softest, pink with brown butterfly baby blanket/comfort blanket. We handed it over to her explaining that it was to be her comfort blanket and a special reminder that Jesus loved her very much and the butterflies to signify life change.
As she took it she took off the old scratchy afghan and spread it over her legs. I continued to talk, asking her if she knew for sure if she were going to Heaven after death, because My Lady wanted to know. She answered, "I hope so" with no assurance.
Ok, so then my heart starts pounding, and I am grasping for next words.
Then My Lady, bless her heart began speaking, her whole expression priceless, and angel-like, peaceful shared with her the whole plan of salvation.
Christie and her nurse were listening in rap attention, however, abruptly, the spell was broken by Christie and we sensed it was time to go.
On previous occasions, preceding this visit, we had left tracts with Hershey's Kisses, CD's of Psalm set to music. At Christmas we had given her a beautiful velvet stocking, elegantly embroidered with the words "Jesus is the reason for the season. Whoa, what an adventure that was. We hope to see Christie in Heaven as on New Years Day she passed away.
But I Know Whom I Have Believed

II Tim.1:12
#1 MY LADY: From experiences in Care giving part 1
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April 26, 2008 from my care givers log,
"She has made her way gallantly through the halls and gym at St. Josephs and Burbank Health Care Center after fracturing a hip for the second time.
She was lovingly referred to as "Mother Mary" as well as "Sleeping Beauty" for those many untimely naps taken when visitors appeared with flowers and card, candy or other goodies.
Those last few weeks the lines in her lightly creased face reflected the frustration of being held hostage. During one short prayer time, with a childlike voice, I heard, "...and will you please speak to those in authority about me getting to go home". On another occasion she shared that there were many negative thoughts and words she could say but chose not to.
In her early AD days, I found My Lady's faith amazing, her unwavering belief that no matter how bad things were, God would take care of everything. She graciously displayed the fact that God was in control. The fact that "I'm here but I'm not in charge." "God is!" gave her a peaceful resignation and relief from anxiety.
I felt both humbled and privileged to serve this wonderful woman who survived so many challenging difficulties. What surprised and touched me most was that she was so resilient, yet always, I was awake to the possibility that the next time she would not be with us.
Her mental acuteness at that time was a continual source of frustration to her and challenging for those of us who cared for her, a delicate balance of maintaining our sanity and allowing her as much independence as possible.
She continued to walk slowly and deliberately with her walker but made great progress in distance. The day after her surgery she was encouraged to get up and with obvious difficulty and pain walked around her bed and then requested pain med. after declining it at first. She had home visits from the physical and occupational therapist.
We still nick named her Sleeping Beauty and worked on trying to keep her occupied during the day to minimize or eliminate middle of night sleep walking and talking and wheel chair joy rides to the front door in the middle of the night.
What a precious treasure we had in My Lady, a wonderful demonstration of an un-programed adventure to pull me out of my COMFORT ZONE, unseen events silently forming in opposition to "our plans", to remind us of Ps.37:23 "The steps of a man are established by the Lord" and Prov. 16:9 "The mind of man plans his way, but the Lord directs his steps"
I hope that sharing this experience will encourage others to pray more proactively for those who are care giving.
Grannie After A Geriatric Assessment.
A Captured Image
I was sitting talking to "My Lady" when I captured the light casting an image of a heart on the wall. It was one of the few last images I have of her.
Feeling Stressed & Scattered?
SLOW DOWN! Dear God, We praise YOU, for we are fearfully and wonderfully made. Thank you for the wonderful way in which you have orchestrated our minds & brain to work together. HELP me to slow down to BE STILL AND KNOW THAT YOU ARE GOD AND CREATOR OF ALL THINGS AND CONTROL THE INNERWORKINGS OF OUR BODIES. You have given us the gift of memory to carry out the skills of living. Thank you for those memory skills. Keep us strong. Guide my memory skills and help them to not be so scattered & stressed by the decisions I make for others I may be caring for. Help me to resist the temptation to juggle to many tasks that I neglect to take care of my mind & memory through study of your WORD & proper brain & body nutrition. Help us to be wise in our choices of that nutrition so as to maintain and ensure a healthier life.
Foolish Assumptions?
Google "I don't assume much about you, but I do assume that you have memory skills. Why? Because you simply can't live without them. (Now how good those memory skills are is another question.) I also assume you can improve your memory skills. No matter, where you're starting from in terms of memory, there's always room to improve." The seemingly prevalent number of individuals with some form of memory deficit suggest that we are experiencing an epidemic of declining memories (symptoms). My inquisitive mind asks WHY? And then I got to thinking about how I could improve my memory skills and that led to discovering what memory skills really are. So I stumbled upon some facts about memory that surprised me. "YOUR MEMORIES ARE CONSTANTLY RESHAPING THROUGHOUT LIFE. They are not snapshots of information, frozen in time. Throughout your life, you go through all sorts of changes: You mature, learn from previous mistakes, and even get tainted by unfortunate experiences. Perspectives change over time, and the lens that you use to look back at your memories colors those memories. Your brain is far too complex and is always changing, which affects the way you look at your memories. They are subject to modification by everything one experiences. YOUR MEMORY IS A SKILL THAT YOU CAN CULTIVATE AND IMPROVE UPON, NO MATTER WHAT YOUR AGE, INTELLIGENCE LEVEL, OR SOCIOECONOMIC CLASS. Your memory isn't something that you have or do not have. It can't be lost or found like a memory chip. However, if you do incur damage to your brain, the amount and type of damage limit your memory skills. YOUR ENTIRE BRAIN WORKS TOGETHER AS ONE SYSTEM. Each memory has input from a wide variety of different parts of your brain. Memories are not just stored in one place in your brain. (So I am to surmise that could be one of the reasons that AD is such an individual thing and no two people are alike in their symptoms, hence making it so puzzling.} Your brain codes memories like a system of different units. Some areas of the brain have unique talents in coding memories that correspond to shapes. A few other areas have unique talents in coding words. Your entire brain works together, so when you are trying to remember a 1969 VW Beetle, you remember the shape with one part of your brain (the left). The more dimensions and parts of your brain you can involve in a memory, the more easily you can remember it later. YOUR BRAIN HAS SEVERAL KEY PARTS THAT PLAY A MAJOR ROLE IN FORMING THE FOUNDATION OF YOUR MEMORY. One of the key parts of your brain is called the HIPPOCAMPUS: it moves short-term memories into long-term storage. The short-term memories that you move into long-term memory depend largely on three factors. 1.Your attention: Generally, a measure of short-term memory. 2. The meaningfulness of the information: The more meaningful or relevant the information, the greater your chances of remembering it. 3. How well the memory fits into what you already know: A foundation of memory helps with new learning. YOUR MEMORY DEPENDS ON YOUR ATTENTION. Your memory simply does not work unless you are PAYING ATTENTION, your BRAIN IS CAPABLE OF EXTRAORDINARY MENTAL GYMNASTICS. IF YOU PROTECT AND CARE FOR IT. --Gleaned from Improving your memory for Dummies. LOL
Friday, April 20, 2012
Something to Contemplate
If you have ever flown on a commercial air line, you probably remember how, just before take off the flight attendant stood in the aisle and reviewed the safety instruction, demonstrated how to fasten a seat belt, how to use an oxygen mask etc.... In the event that the oxygen level in the main cabin becomes unstable, oxygen masks will drop in front of every passenger. Passengers are instructed to make sure their masks are on first before assisting other passengers or children. Drawing from that parallel, our ministry is as a passenger to take care of our physical & spiritual bodies so we can minister to one another. I draw on this description because if we are not taking care of ourselves so to speak then we will not have the strength to take care of our spouses or other care giving events in life.
Thursday, April 19, 2012
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
Nutritional Living | Standing on Truth
Nutritional Living | Standing on Truth I had never thought about this perspective of considering our obsession over health as an idol. All the more to seek a balance in life. But something worth considering.
Alzheimer's - My Mom My Hero
Alzheimer's - My Mom My Hero I have been witness to some of those little miracles and have often listened with amusement to some conversations and answers to questions.
Tuesday, April 17, 2012
The Night I Met Einstein | Reader's Digest
The Night I Met Einstein | Reader's Digest This is such a cool story and worth your reading, especially if you are into music. I felt the same way when I was care giving, a former music teacher, who taught me how to appreciate classical music. The article is lengthy. Even in her later day AD state, she could still play the piano, albeit with mistakes which she excused herself, thinking she was still a child, and needed to just practice more, even though she had been an accomplished musician. She played the piano, viola, and she would periodically comment on other instruments that she could play.
Sunday, April 15, 2012
Saturday, April 14, 2012
Americans Eat the Cheapest Food in the World
Americans Eat the Cheapest Food in the World Why are so many Americans fat and sick?
Friday, April 13, 2012
Facebook Reflecting on the words from I Thes. 4:11 "...that you also aspire to lead a quiet life..." I was struck by the thought of how quiet it can be while caring for someone with AD. The need for concentration on tasks necessitates a need for quieter environments. Cultivating a quiet environment can be conducive to taking advantage of random times for quiet times with God.
Thursday, April 12, 2012
(46 unread) - cultivatingjoy2 - Yahoo! Mail
I have always been suspicious of statins and have refused to partake on my Drs. invitations. I have a collection of prescriptions that have never been filled due to the fact that my resistance would create a scene. The FDA and Big Pharma are in bed together on alot of things. Drs. treat symptoms and do not address the whole picture unless they are tuned to alternatives. Treating a symptom for one thing, creates another symptom, which in turn creates another one and by the time you are old one pill begets another one and like bunnies reproduce so do your meds. If I had given in to all I would be taking about 5 meds plus all my vits & supplements , up to 20 pills a day just to counter act the symptoms created by those drug muggers.
gardening | Farmscape
gardening | Farmscape I came across this interesting sight while researching organic vs. inorganic and soil amends for our garden this spring. My husband had asked me to research this area of our planning to provide for more healthful food.
Wednesday, April 11, 2012
Advanced Memory Formula: Reduce memory loss and senior moments
Advanced Memory Formula: Reduce memory loss and senior I know that this leads up to an ad but it is a very good article on why we may have some memory loss.
How to Eat Less Crap : CrossFit 204
How to Eat Less Crap : CrossFit 204 This is really something! She has taken the words right out of my mouth or words right out of my blogging.
It is priceless to capture every moment, however, to capture is to have a working mind. I am attempting to capture all the steps I took in creating this blog. So I will be attempting to gather my thoughts on memory. I will be directing my research on discovering areas of the mind for it was "fearfully and wonderfully made" by God and given to us as a gift from Him, therefore, our responsibility, is to be good stewards of our minds, both spiritual and physically.
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