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Monday, September 10, 2018


I am hoping nobody purposely attempts to tick me off while in my company after opening up about my tick offs.

  I am sure that there are many things that tick you off as that appears to be some of our human nature.
What's the burr in your saddle?   Exploring my annoyances has opened the door to understanding what is really important to me.
Besides the nails screeching on the proverbial chalk board, I find that those who have lost their child like love for life and lack of a sense of humor have denied themselves of that wonder.

Although I am an early riser, people who think it's okay to talk to me so early in the morning might receive a response of a dirty word, receive a nod or a grunt, or get a dirty look.  I detest someone who is a little to perky and energetic so early in the morning.  Why would one expect a response?

Individuals who I have to go on a roller coaster of thinking just to understand and turn the conversation into a debate not saying what they think or mean exasperates me as well as those who think they know but don't.

 Charles Dickens’ famous quote, 
“it was the best of times, it was the worst of times."
  I get exasperated by drama.  Why not deal with it and move on, that is others, as I have moved on.  I dislike emotional cliffs, hard feelings, and festering resentments and why do others think the worst of you, or others, before they really get to know you?
The Eeyore's of life, I find depressing.  The gloomy, melancholy, no matter what happens is totally in opposition to my cultivating joy. 

 People who only call when they need something, something, I may be guilty of, but non the less it does annoy me.
Individuals who want to do something that was done in the past because now all of a sudden, they believe it will magically work now.
People who cough and sneeze and don't cover is a cause, for sigh, and the roll of eyes.
Switching on a bright overhead light, sending me into a semi rude awaking as I am drifting off to sleep really grinds on my nerves as I angrily throw the covers over my head and silently utter sinful words.

  It's not like there are no other lamps to light the way for the night owls in life.  I have two in every room and night lights everywhere.
I've worked up a lather many a time in defending my beliefs.  My faith and beliefs are not up for debate.  I welcome challenges to evaluate my spiritual vital signs but get very annoyed at blatant misinterpretation or taking Scripture out of context to prove a point against me. Teaching focused on what God does FOR “me” and not what God requires OF “me” is, well, something to consider.

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