The emotional toll of watching his friends getting married and having children.
The little moments that remind me of him. In the midst of this I am more aware of the moments that we no longer have but treasure the moments we did.
It is an emotional roller coaster and I never know how I am going to feel in the next moment even though it has been over a year.
As a mother, I wish, I had been with him that one last time.
Even in his last moments, alone, I am comforted by the fact that God WAS there with him.In the midst of all this I am painfully aware to “guard my heart from negative invasions” that cause me to question God’s love,
to question His sovereignty.
My perception of life has changed. What was important in the past doesn’t mean as much.
Scriptures and history remind me that I am an immigrant here on earth. That status remains the same. My journey has been long and sometimes perilous, but rich and rewarding. I am just passing through.
“We are here for only a moment, visitors and strangers in the land as our ancestors were before us. Our days on earth are like a passing shadow, gone so soon without a trace.”
I Chronicles 29:15 LL
One of my most treasured memories with my son was a walk on the Donner Memorial State Park Nature Trail. Little did we both know that it would be one of the last.
It was a quiet, serene, pleasant walk and I enjoyed it very much. We paused on the bridge to watch the flowing water, trout and schools of minnows and marveled at all the green around. I captured a moment of him in his usual, pensive, observant stance and snapped a picture.
He in turn captured one of me as we turned to walk up the thin trail, lined with various signs of God’s creation.
My thoughts turned to how pleasant the surroundings to that of the Donner Party of whom many died in such a place in pursuit of their dreams to journey west.
They were just passing through too.
My immigration status: Just passing through.
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