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Tuesday, November 16, 2021

LOOSE LEAF NOTEBOOK ~A tribute to fall

Do you think of all the changes that this season brings? Each season brings in it's beauty but Fall is a Royal time of year.

Even though every season has its special beauty, Fall is no exception.  Watching the trees on my photo/walks at this time of year, finally, here in Southern California is a spectacular experience as they turn from green to all varieties of gold, yellow, and red.

How can this beauty be a sign of death and decay?  The sadness sets in for a winter’s spell.

“I saw a leaf fall to the ground today...for an entire season it had clung proudly to its place, gleaming brightly in the summer sun. It had felt its usefulness and beauty. But when embraced to Autumn's cold breast, its beauty faded, it became shriveled and sere. Still, it clung tenaciously to its accustomed spot on the branch. After much urging by a gentle wind, it wavered between its desire to remain with the known, and the desire to experience the unknown. Finally, it embarked on its new adventure, and sailed happily with the breeze and gently fluttered to join many of its old companions, and to meet many new brighter hue.

When it came to rest, I think I heard it release a sigh of contentment.”
I am now in the summer of my life—enjoying my place, feeling of some use and service. When the late Autumn of my life comes, I think I shall be like that leaf I saw fall today. Certainly I shall hesitate to leave the accustomed.

But I know that once the great adventure is begun, I shall sail into eternal contentment. You who see the leaf of my life fade and fall: Do not mistake that final breath as a groan. It will be a joyful sigh of release into the hands of my Great God, Creator and Saviour.
Here is praying you all have that Hope we have in eternal life with Jesus. ~Anon

Oct. 11, 2012
"Every day is a surprise party." Cousin Heidi said. (Thanks, because every day IS different and carries its own adventures.) Each day is a splendid day delivered in color regardless of the season.

We get to enjoy that feast of color. Nature beckons us to enjoy this fall finery as well as each season that follows. Fall is one of my favorite seasons of the year.

"To all my Women Friends of "Age''... We are all going through it. We are at that age where we see the wrinkles, gray hair, extra pounds. We see the pretty 25 year olds and sigh....we were once 25, and just like us, they will one day be our age. They cannot even compare to bring to the table what we can with our wisdom, experience, and good hearts.

For all we've been through earning each gray hair....taking care of grandparents, parents, children, bills and ills and whatever else life brought us over our 40's, 50+ years....We are survivors....we are warriors.....we are Women.....Like a classic car....or fine wine....while our exteriors may not be what they once were...it is traded for our spirit....our courage...and our survival to enter this chapter of our lives with grace and pride for all we've been through and accomplished.
October, 13, 2017

Never feel bad about aging. It is a privilege denied to many. God Bless each of you!" ~shared fb post

Age: 72 and very proud of it!

Oct. 17, 2015  GCC Women's Fall event.
Oct. 17, 2015, Hillary, Laurie, Me

October 17, 2015

October 22, 2016 
Shared with Your friends
"Truly holy affections in a saint are balanced. This is the dominant trait of their sanctity. The whole image of Christ is impressed upon them...there is in Him every grace, and He is full of grace and truth. Thus there is apparent in some saints the same beautiful proportion that there is in the true image of Christ." (Johnathan Edwards, Religious Affections.)
We were reminded of keeping our balance and strive to avoid the Extremes of Life and trusting God.
We truly had a blessed time of fellowship and hearing from our speaker Pam Hardy. She imparted many truths to take to heart.
Hillary & Becky
Denim Day with Ina Strong, Oct.20, 2019
Oct. 20, 2018 Memorial service, with Andrea Cardenas
October 23, 2019 
Shared with Your friends and Pamela's friends
So blessed to sit with this joyful sister, Pamela Vonstowver
2012, Lunch at Dennys with Co-Caregivers, Joci & Joy
Pearlie Girlies

Oct. 14, 2018
Scared myself half to death when I looked into the mirror this morning.  Oct.14, 2019

October gave a party;

The leaves by hundreds came -
The Chestnuts, Oaks, and Maples,
And leaves of every name.
The Sunshine spread a carpet,
And everything was grand,
Miss Weather led the dancing,
Professor Wind the band.”
― George Cooper

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