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Wednesday, May 8, 2019


What happens on Sunday morning?  Have you ever asked yourself why you do this?

  Why you go to church?
There is no other time during my week than my Sundays when my mind struggles with physical weakness and excuses.
Attending church is an irreplaceable opportunity.  It is an opportunity to step back and celebrate the power of Scripture, the power of music, the power of friendships,  
the fuel for my faith.

Church has a purpose and I'm part of it.  There is nothing like hearing our pastor read from the scriptures.
The music has been stunning worthy to be called a concert, a concert of worship, a call to worship, a focus on God the Creator and Sustainer of all things who has provided so much for me.

Why is it that I go to Every Women's Grace?
There is nothing more powerful than searching God's Word and passing it on.  This years study on faithfulness has been dominated by various groupings of psalms that express confidence in God's deliverance from exile and His faithful care of His people.  They traveled, they trusted, they obeyed, they worshiped.

We have been encouraged to keep journeying on with a steadfast heart to fully worship God.
We have been encouraged to celebrate faithfulness.  What grace when people hear the call to worship.  What a beautiful call of grace when God tells his people to come.

What holds us back?  Worship is about God.  What wrong thoughts are we putting into those thoughts?  Line those thinkings with truths.
Why not run to the Word for strength?
We are beloved by Christ, chosen by Christ, and loved by Christ with a boundless and, ceaseless, everlasting love.
 Treasure the Savior and praise His name, knowing the glorious future that awaits us with him.

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