It’s all about going beyond the eggs and chocolate bunnies.
Easter week has come and gone.
The stark reality of our history remains, the crucifixion of Jesus, an “act of torture carried out by the state to silence the messenger.”
“Holy” week has come and gone.
It was more than just a Palm Sunday.
It was more than just a last supper.
It was more than just a good Friday.
It was more than just a Resurrection Sunday.
We continue to live in a world with much tragedy and little secular hope but the good news is that viewed through Scriptures, the faith, hope, and love of God are grand.
Yesterday’s Easter celebration epitomizes hope and life after death. Until Jesus took his last breath, that story spoke of his love then and now.
That story speaks of his journey in my life.

The sight of familiar faces parading by excited me.
The strains of music sent shivers to my spine. The hymns of Resurrection took me to a deeper sense of worship.
The sermon laid the framework for believing that the resurrection really took place in history and all the superfluid lies that have been perpetrated over the centuries.
There was no time for parking lot reflections as usual.
The day did end with eggs and bunnies and children capers.
It did have a traditional Easter dinner with barbecued Salmon and trout added to the menu, compliments from a Thai family friend.
But nothing compares to how the day begun and the fact that I know the Lord and I'm not just acquainted with Him.
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