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Tuesday, August 28, 2018

DEAR PAUL: Sixty Plus Generations Later

Dear Paul,
I thank my God for you.

For some months now, I have been strangely drawn to the letter you wrote to the Romans and have been compelled to write back sixty plus generations later.  Your miraculous conversion and missionary exploits have struck a cord in my life.
 I have now folded and unfolded that letter 40 times.  Though, I have heard that you are physically unimpressive, I am awed at you're inner strength enabling you to continue on.
  Your inability to visit Rome at the time provided me with the inspired masterpiece of the gospel as you prepared for your visit there.
Although, I have always felt doctrinal sound,  I felt the need to review the rich doctrinal and practical instruction you mentioned in the letter.

Your influence and audacious claims were enough to soften and influence areas of life that I was previously unaware of or had just passed off as some irrelevant piece of theology.
You have conveyed the truth about the gospel in ways that have touched my heart.  It remains incredible as to where your letter has been, reaching so many people.  It continues to be a historical phenomenon.
You have made it perfectly clear that unbelievers are in terrible trouble.
Your testimony, your transformed life is clear evidence that God extends grace and his forgiveness to all.
Thank you for sharing your story, Paul, of transformation and the unusual power of God to transform lives.  Even through glaring shameful sins and failures.  God is faithful to move lives as evidenced through you're letter.
Your letter has achieved what no other letter has simply because, I have become very familiar through my repeated visits.
As I worked my way through your letter, I have reveled in the message you  clearly stated about our "Spiritual Quality of Life" or no quality.
Thank you for clearly revealing the forceful message of the gospel (good news) and for challenging me to believe in that good news.

Although, I tend to think about life as "My journey", the message is about "God's journey" to me to save me from my sins.
Somehow, there tends to be an aberration toward sin.  But your insistence on talking about it has made it clear, that I will never understand God until I have understood my need.  The problem of sin is terrible.  The world around me testifies to that.  Left to myself, I would have no strength or righteousness.
I appreciate you cutting to the chase.  Your boldness and frank discussions on the problems created by sin, the work of Christ, and the role of faith have been inspiring.
I'm sorry, you had to go through so much in life but those are the things that have made your letters so powerful and inspiring.  Those are the kinds of things I find encouraging.  Not that you had to go through them but that they made you stronger and able to persevere.
"The grace of our Lord Jesus be with you."
Becky (A sinner saved by Grace.)


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