For Jehovah is our refuge! We choose the God above all gods to shelter us. | This we declare, that he alone is our refuge, our place of safety; he is our God, and we are trusting him. |
For the Lord says, "Because they love me, I will rescue them; I will make them great because they trust in my name."
The godly shall flourish like palm trees, and grow tall as the cedars of Lebanon. For they are transplanted into the Lord's own garden, and are under his personal care. Even in old age they will still produce fruit and be vital and green. This honors the Lord, and exhibits his faithful care...
Jehovah is KING! He is robed in majesty and strength. The world is his throne. O, Lord, you have reigned from prehistoric times, from the everlasting past. Your royal decrees cannot be changed. Holiness is forever the keynote of your reign. ~~~~Selections from the Psalms
We chose,
Johann Sebastian Bach: Jesu, Joy Of Man's Desiring, as the wedding processional music:
Thou whose love shines down like a guiding lightDrawn to Thee with souls aspiring
Through our Father we reach a celestial height
Son of God we pray we may reach Thee
May we live in peace we beseech Thee
Open doors of truth unknown
As Thy love comes down from the heavenly throne
Teach us from Thy heavenly throne
Open doors of truth unknown
As Thy love comes down from the heavenly throne
As the processional music died down strands of "The New Twenty-Third Psalm" by Ralph Carmichael echoed through out the sanctuary. The lyrics still resounding in the depths of my soul. Because the Lord is my Shepherd
Because the Lord is my shepherd,
I have everything that I need.
He lets me rest in meadows green and leads me beside the quiet stream;
He keeps on giving life to me
and helps me to do what honors him the most.
Even when walking thru the dark valley of death, valley of death,
I will never be afraid,
for He is close to beside me,
guarding, guiding all the way,
He spreads a feast before me in the presence of my enemies He welcomes me as his special guest
with blessings overflowing,
his goodness and unfailing kindness
shall be with me all of my life,
and afterwards I will live with him,
for my life, I will live with Him, forever in his home, forever in his home.
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My sister-in-law sang, "Charity", a song popular in the 1970's with words from the love chapter in
I Corinthians 13. Charity~click here
Words and music by Ken Gulliksen
Although I speak with tongues Of men and of angels
And though I prophesy And understand all
Although I have all faith So mountains may be removed
And though I feed the poor
And give up my life
[Chorus] If I have not Charity
If Love does not flow from me
I am nothing Jesus reduce me to Love
Jesus reduce me to Love
Love is patient and kind
Love is not envious Not proud,
but gentle and meek

Love sings when Jesus prevails
Believes and endures all things
Love hopes and bears every wrong
And Love never fails
One season I was a child
I spoke and I thought as a child
But when I turned into a man
Such ways put aside
Though now we see through a glass
But then we shall see face to face
Though now abide faith and hope The greatest is Love
~~ ~ Maranatha! Music 1972
Following the ceremony and before the dedicatory prayer, kneeling at the altar, so beautifully sung, we heard "To Be What You Want Me To Be" music lyrics by Don Wyrtzen :
To be what You want me to be

To be more like Your Son
Dear Lord I've only just begun
To be what You want me to be
Dear Lord I'll live for eternity
To be more like Your Son
Dear Lord until the race is won
God of Our Fathers
By: Daniel C. Roberts
Still Hitched |
Leads forth in beauty all the starry band
Of shining worlds in splendor through the skies:
Our grateful songs before your throne arise.
Your love divine has led us in the past;
In this free land by you our lot is cast;
Oh, be our ruler, guardian, guide, and stay;
Your Word our law, your paths our chosen way.
From war’s alarms, from deadly pestilence
Make your strong arm our ever sure defense.
Your true religion in our hearts increase;
Your bounteous goodness nourish us in peace.
Refresh your people on their toilsome way;
Lead us from night to never ending day;
Fill all our lives with heaven born love and grace
Until at last we meet before your face.
"Being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus."
~Philippians 1:6
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