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Saturday, June 30, 2018


Why would I choose the book of Romans as the one book allowed if I was stranded on a deserted island?
 The words of a fellow blogger describes my sentiments exactly:
"It encapsulates the gospel, packing a hard punch of theological truth. It ignites the heart, soothes the soul, challenges the mind, and quickens the affections for Christ."

Now Romans is not necessarily my favorite book of the Bible but I see it as one of the most helpful pieces of Scripture in my life.
Perhaps previous posts would give you that idea, however, to the contrary it has been a book that has impacted my life.  A book I could not ignore.
Now more than nineteen centuries later since Roman times and ours, Paul appears to speak to me, and everyone else who reads it.
My first memorable encounter with Romans was in 1972.  I was drawn to the fifth chapter for comfort.  That story is in a previous post, FIRST MEMORABLE ENCOUNTER WITH ROMANS Click here

I have since had many encounters in Romans.
YouTube Audio I have been using
My options are, just listen to audio, listen to audio and follow along in my Bible, or just read Bible alone.  I have found that following along with the audio is more beneficial to me.

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