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Monday, July 10, 2017


Sorry, I can’t help you out right now, I am involved in a  minor crisis, trying to make sense of a clearly insane logical, confused dream that I found myself in last night.  I had no choice but to continue on, going nowhere.

The long and short of it was I desperately wanted the frightening comfort of re-creating the chaotic organization of the calm storm ahead. 
A fine mess I found myself in as I drifted again in a deep sleep.  I found myself in an absolutely unsure of my surroundings, almost ready to escape the confines of that dream.
A cold sweat woke me up briefly as the dark light of the moon sent a shadow streaking through the curtain.  I struggled to wake myself up to re-create the dream.
Good grief, I said to myself, "I am going nowhere".
A quick fix was to give into the insane logic unfolding in peaceful protest in pronounced silence.
With a mean smile, I found myself in the kitchen.
I heard a disturbing noise and set out to investigate.  I smiled as I found the paper towels in their place.  The dull knife was where I last placed it.
A short distance away I came across two little uninvited guests.  In unison, the two little dark chocolate colored twins dressed in unique uniforms of a non discript color, each gave a half giggle then drawing a blank stare, they vanished.

I turned and spied a partially completed project, nearly complete lying in the corner.  It was a fail safe home full of spiders, cat fur, and dust bunnies.  I gingerly took it outdoors to dispose of it stopping briefly to talk to my husband.
I heard another disturbing noise and found another un-invited guest in my living room.  I was pleasantly confused.  He greeted me and introduced himself with a loud whisper and a mean smile.  He sat in a wheelchair with a defiant nod and was going nowhere"Go ahead, back up" I said to him.  His demeanor changed to that of a ladies man and was really quite charming for his youth.
Then with eyes wide shut, he disappeared.

I turned my attention to the scene unfolding outside in the front yard.  A dozen or so young people were working outside weeding, mowing my yard and sprucing it up.  A big smile came across my face and I knew I had to get my phone and take some pictures.
I reached the bedroom, I opened the door to retrieve my phone and to my horror, the room was bare, only the bed remained.  My computer was gone.  My phone was gone.  I was devastated.  I fast walked to the other rooms. Everything was gone!  All the activity and uninvited guests had been a distraction so everything could be taken.

Final conclusion, I woke up to find myself into Monday.

"A permanent state of transition is man’s most noble condition. "

Author: Juan Ramon Jimenez

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