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Sunday, November 15, 2015


The day I became a mother to an incredibly, spirited active toddler son ,was the beginning of some of the most insane days of my life.
It was then, I realized how much I had enjoyed the more peaceful, quiet times I had with my two year old daughter.

It all began with the conflicting feelings and happiness that come after having lost the previous pregnancy and expecting a colorful and bright future with this one.
Beautiful and bright rainbows follow storms, giving hope that it would be better, and bring on extraordinary amount of blessings.  He was one of my rainbow babies.

One incredible March afternoon, the mid wife arrived to our single-story, boxy, brick front, and ordinary functional house, in a van.  She was a petite, slightly older lady with excellent skills in delivery.           

As she was pulling herself together and gathering up the needed articles for the work at hand, it was discovered that her bag of essentials was buried at the bottom of a stack of doors she had salvaged.  Our neighbor graciously assisted her by taking out the stack of doors to retrieve her bag.

Our big, 9 lbs.11 oz bundle of creative trouble found his world extremely exhilarating from the start, finding many ways to excite me.
At nine months he was walking and running around, being intently curious and was everywhere attempting to enjoy exploring on his own.
  He was inexplicably drawn to his daddy’s tool box.  Nothing was safe.  The refrigerator was the only place he had not learned to climb.  He was very busy, however, all this physical activity eventually faded and gravitated in favor of worthwhile pursuits.

Even when he was three, he felt the thrill of excitement, oblivious to the fact that he was contributing to a mothers worst nightmare, he set out on his own while on a camping trip and was no where to be found for one of those gone too long times.
  My mind was racing with all sorts of scenarios but God was gracious and allowed him back to us after he had hiked to the other side of the camp ground.

There are many nights, I am left with wonder and thankfulness for this extraordinary gift, my first rainbow baby.

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