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Saturday, May 16, 2015


Coffee Break With My Mother

"It is the old apple trees that are decked with the loveliest blossoms.
It is the ancient redwoods that rise to majestic heights.
It is the old violins that produce the richest tones.
It is ancient coins, stamps and furniture that people seek.
It is the old friends that are loved the best.
Thank God for the blessings of age and the wisdom,
patience and maturity that go with it."
—Sister Mary Gemma Brunke 

 Taking another tour through my mothers Bible and taking note of some of the poems that were copied onto those empty pages in the back meant for notes, I took note of the above poem.  She added at the end of that poem "Old is wonderful!"

In My Mom' Own Handwriting

On checking some dates and as to the time that this Bible became hers, it appears she was in her 60's when she copied these poems onto those pages.  I was very busy raising my family and had little interest in what was going on in her life beyond infrequent visits. Conversations very rarely if ever turned to the deep issues of life.  She had lost her own mother a few years before suddenly and her father many years before that.

However, in leafing through her Bible, I took note of the many notations left and underlined passages, leading me to believe that she loved God's Word.

It is good here to note, that I also find solace in God's Word and find comfort in that His Word  never changes.

I am inclined to think that she found solace in Gods Word as her nomadic-like lifestyle found her in many locations where she had to adapt, finding that God's Word never changes.



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