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Sunday, February 15, 2015

APPOINTED TIMES: Events & activities

Just as "there is a time for every event under Heaven" (Eccl.3:1) so is there "appointed times".  God blesses these appointed times with beautiful days as well as with cloudy days.

I am so grateful for those beautiful appointed days. 


"As a caregiver or family member of a person with Alzheimer’s disease, your knowledge of the progression
of the disease helps you to better understand the person’s activity needs and abilities. Identifying which stage
your loved one is in can help you plan appropriate activities."    Characteristics of each stage will differ.
Flexibility and accommodation to what is occurring with your loved one on any particular day and any particular moment will create a more positive experience.
We tried to adapt the activity  and expectations in creating a positive experience for all of us.

Matching activities to your loved one’s abilities can be challenging.
" By changing and
adapting as the person moves through the disease stages, you can make any valued activity available and meaningful.
Try using all of the senses, such as sight, touch, taste, smell, and hearing to create and make
activities easier."
 The examples in the slideshow/video show  small events that proved to be a positive experience for Karl & I and Gary, adapting to his interest and needs to his ability and turning some of our errands (gas fill-ups & car wash runs) into pleasurable mini events.
 Knowing a person’s "Life Story" is a great help in choosing the activity.  (Thanks Laurie for all the input of your family history and things that he enjoyed in life.)
The main goal is to find out just who your loved one is, where they have been, and what they have done in their life and where they are now.

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