For five years I followed My Lady into her journey into Alzheimer's world.
She loved to receive cards and letters and was well loved by her family and friends. In the back ground on the wall you will notice Scripture verses posted on the wall as well as in other places.

We enjoyed creating happy and memorable moments for her. This was to be her last birthday. Her 95th.
She had been an avid musician and played the piano till the very last albeit with many mistakes. She loved music and we sang hymns daily.
This was her last Christmas and was the first year we decorated in a big way and her family brought Christmas to her instead of taking her to their home. She always had a gentle and gracious spirit.
She was very loved and cared for by her faithful care givers and was a testimony to her love for the Lord. There was never a dull moment around her. She was a very busy and co-operative lady. She did a lot of sleep-talking and "managed her household" and directed imaginary children's choirs.
She loved to take inventory of her purse and wallet contents and was delighted when discovering that certain items were found.
I am often, reminded of my years with her as she passed away in the month of May.
In my earlier years with her she would tell me "I am going crazy."
I would tell her how precious she was and she would reply "Well I don't think you will keep saying that when I keep doing things that don't make sense."
Then I would reassure her that the Lord knew all about it and she just had to concentrate on what needed to be done at the present time.
We enjoyed many walks with her walker ,and then in the wheel chair. She loved going to her mail box and looking through her mail.
Earlier POSTS on this blog about MY LADY tell of other adventures.