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Sunday, December 30, 2012

CHANGING SEASONS/Cambiante Temporadas: Family slideshow

The music on this slideshow is A PLACE ON THE EARTH/UN LUGAR EN LA TIERRA with Fernando Ortega.  The first time I heard the lyrics to this song it brought me to tears as I began to recall many incidents where I was comforted in times of loneliness and for consistently providing sustaining strength to carry on. Becky

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Where Can I go with this?

The caption on this photo caught my eye.  Why? I am still trying to sort things out.  Perhaps it's those boomerang questions that require so much thought to answer in a godly way.  Those constant questions, and more questions to those questions, restating the question and what seems like a never ending parade of them.  A constant of choosing the appropriate words in return.  I live in a sea of questions, not only in my line of work as a care giver for the  AD challenged  but I also experience it first hand every day at home.

A Spurgeon Gem

 Reading Murray's "The Forgotten Spurgeon" and loving it. Here's a gem from the prince of preachers: "Such who think sin a trifle and have never sorrowed on account of it, we may know that their faith is not genuine. Such men as have faith which allows them to carelessly live in the present, who say, 'Well, I am saved by a simple faith' ... and enjoy the carnal pleasures and lusts of the flesh, such men are liars; they have not the faith which will save the soul. ... Oh! if any of you have such faith as this, I pray God to turn it out bag and baggage."

Don't Understand?

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

My Legacy: The Bridge, The Bear and God

My Legacy: The Bridge, The Bear and God: I just got this as an email and wanted to share it with you guys... AMAZING STORY! This bridge is on the Old Donner Pass Highway . It ha...

Monday, December 17, 2012

Reflections: Childhood Pleasures

I learned to sew on a treadle sewing machine similar to the one in this picture.  When my mother saw me spending so much time making doll clothes, she sent me up the mountain to a seamstress to teach me how to make my own clothes.  Her home was a simple hut-like cottage with a dirt floor.  As with many of the huts that dotted the mountain side, the path that led up to it was flanked by corn fields.          My mother, being a rather resourceful woman would request from the US, the discarded sewing pattern catalogs.  She would show the seamstress a dress picture then in turn would make her own patterns by just looking at the picture.  I, however, did not have that talent but managed to learn to sew, making many aprons, skirts and blouses, simple dresses and many pj's.  I still made doll clothes.   In those early days most of the cloth used came from the cloth sacks that held chicken feed that my grandparents sent down from time to time in the form of CARE PACKAGES.


Holidays and Alzheimer's Families | Caregiver Center | Alzheimer's Association

Holidays and Alzheimer's Families | Caregiver Center | Alzheimer's Association

Monday, December 10, 2012

Harvard Ranch - Large Print Books, Gifts for the Elderly and Gifts for Alzheimer's Patients - Product » Large Print Books Specia...

Harvard Ranch - Large Print Books, Gifts for the Elderly and Gifts for Alzheimer's Patients - Product » Large Print Books Specia...

In the blink of an eye...

There is much to be said...

As care givers there is also much that goes on undersurface.  To some it may appear that everything is going fine and you look good, your loved one looks good. There is much going on just to make it all give the illusion that all IS going well.  But when it all comes down to it,  is HARD work, physically, mentally, emotionally.  I suppose more could be said and I may add to this post as I mull over what I just said and new thoughts may come to mind.  I really like watching ducks and I have found this as an excellent activity to involve those who are getting care.

14 minutes of a night with my Grandmother who has dementia.

Saturday, December 8, 2012


One of the best of pictures I found while surfing the web today.  "Christmas is not just an event that happens once a year.  It is a way of life that celebrates the presence of God within us .  Through a simple act of kindness, a caring thought, a forgiving attitude; the gift of Christ can be unwrapped anew each and every day."  Michele Peel

Life takes a turn...

And...there is a turn at each corner and stretch of the road which seemingly appears never ending...     becky

LifeAsACaregiver Randoms

TEN Request From A Person With Alzheimer's

5 Tips for Talking to Someone with Alzheimer's

Do Not Ask Me To Remember

LifeAsACaregiver Randoms

We Are Not A Machine: Care giving poem


Have you ever thought much about the fact that we, created by God for his own pleasure and glory, are permitted by the Creator Himself to deny Him?  Even though we are totally dependent on Him for our next breath, with that breath we may declare that He does not exist or that we refuse to do what He wants us to do.  We live by the life He gives us, moment by moment.  We enjoy rain, sunshine, the growth of crops and flowers, sensations, delights, satisfaction of many kinds.  Yet we often act as though we were sufficient in ourselves, needing no interference from Him.  I can, by the power mysteriously granted me by my Creator and Redeemer, declare myself master of my fate, captain of my soul, and say, "My will be done"  That the Lord should expose Himself to this effrontery (shameless boldness) in a million forms, for millions of days and nights, is the mystery of love and grace.  Still He draws us with cords of love, calls us to come, waits (amazing grace) for us to bow and say, "My Lord and my God!"  From E.Elliot's devotional book A LAMP FOR MY FEET, Feb.18:1999.  I have kept a copy of this page in front of my Bible as a reminder which draws me to tears as I realize how unworthy I am and how forgetful I can be and forge on in my own way.  Is it possible to have Spiritual Alzheimer's?

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Childhood Memories: Treks


To reach this village was a 4 hour hike from our home.  We all began hiking at age 5.  Sometimes we rode mules,horses or donkey's.   When I was young this village was very tiny, not what it is today.  On some of those hikes, I recall the beauty of seeing wild orchids dotting the trails.   Narrow trails went down one side of the canyon and up the other.  Spectacular view.  My brothers did much more trekking to villages than my mother and us girls.

Childhood memories: The Sempoala River

The Sempoala River, the Indian name for 10 major bends in the river.  It was quite a hike and many times we accompanied my father on his many treks to visit other remote villages to encourage the believers.  We waded in that tumultuous river just to reach some of those villages.  On occasions we would picnic along the banks and briefly play in the quiet pools.  Many trees and brush bordered the thin trails we took.  We could hear the distant thundering of a waterfall and avoided the strong current in parts of the river as many had lost their lives in crossing that river which lead to some of the other villages.

Reflections On My Ministry: Child Care


One child tearfully kissed his mother goodbye, snuggled a little closer in hopes that she would change her mind.  His little heart began to race.  His lips began to quiver.  Apprehensiveness 

gives way to anger as he clings to her blouse and clutched at her hair, knowing that eventually he must let go.  The young mother pulled him away, quickly guided him in.  She faded immediately into the background with sounds of his cries.  She hesitated in the hallway or breezeway, lingered, then hastily made her exit.  His wails turned to sobbing as he resigned himself to being left.                                Breathless with anticipation, poised at the swinging gate, with this scene, I welcome each child.  They are all joining us for another opportunity to be in my room.  As parents disappear, each child struggles in their own way.  One sucks his thumb while another fingers a blanket for comfort.  Another pulls his shirt to play with his belly button.  Others don't mind being there and disappear into the room full of raging sounds of laughter,crying, screeching, and banging of toys.  Others are looking for the switch to turn on the toys that make sounds.  Some make it a dominate drive to climb on anything or aimlessly wander from one toy to another.  Others are grabbing, poking eyes,pulling hair for curiosity.  It can be  very tiring and exasperating at times yet this is such a fascinating age.  They are  vivacious and highly energetic to minister to.  They are very lovable, curious, and delightful, requiring great energy, and yes patience, nurturing ability, vigilance, consistency, alertness, a DEVOTION to TWO yr. olds, and a don't mind changing diapers, BUT what a PRIVILEGE to do this for THE KING.  Therefore, I will stay with this calling for awhile longer and pray that others will minister with me.



Marriage has been one of my toughest of ministries that I have ever undertaken.  Little did I know 37 years ago that it would prove most challenging of all.       
 It is a good thing, I suppose, that attraction comes when we are young and naive (or old & senile), good looking, and energetic because it is a 24-hour-a-day, 7-days-a-week commitment.   "The challenge in NOT TO KEEP on loving THE PERSON WE THOUGHT, we were marrying, but to love the person WE DID marry."--Whithead.                          Staying married has involved many spiritual disciplines and deaths to expectations and to many dreams I had.  It has meant death in my use of time and energies as I would see please, and death to my right to have things my way.  I often have to ask God for more grace and more righteous thoughts to comfort my disparaging and frustrating attempts to honor.  Although stress and pressure remain a reality it draws me more toward a deeper dependence upon God.  As life continues to manifest unpredictable behavior, hectic schedules, and many life choices there will always be the one who with a persistent and seemingly "designed to wear you down"---times that mandate an ATTITUDE CHECK.   And yes, there have come thoughts of walking away and contrary to feelings, I have pleaded with God to help redirect and re-focus on His goals when life has disappointed.     

"If you want to be free to SERVE Jesus, there's no question--stay single.  Marriage takes a lot of time!   But if you want to become more like Jesus, I can't imagine any better thing to do than to get married.  Being married forces you to face some character issues you'd never have to face other wise."--Gary Thomas

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Reflections of Christmas Long Past

Reflections on Christmas's Long Past  

The scent of pine
                                                      I have never lost that sense of wonder of those Christmas's so long ago.  My early recollections revolved around the carefully planned Christmas Eve services in the heart of Mexico.
 I fondly recall the scent of pine branches covering the churches cold,bare,concrete floor where the smaller children sat and later fell asleep. The older ones sitting on the long hard wooden benches arranged by age, and boys and men on one side and across the isle the girls and women sat with babies wrapped in black shawls.  A Christmas tree adorned the platform.  There was music from the pump organ and the accordion, long recitations from the Scripture leading well into mid-night.
The Church As I Remember it
  My heavy eye lids, trying to stay awake and then awakened for the hike back up the mountain toward home to a full moon lighting the way.  My brothers & sister racing to see who could reach home first.  The full moons were awesome. 
A Brown Bag with hard candy, peanuts, and an orange was the only gift we received some Christmas's
As each of us left the service we eagerly received a lunch size brown paper bag with goodies in them which included an orange, peanuts, and old fashion-like hard candy.  Sometimes that was the only gift we got.
 To this day, the smell of the long-leaf pine evokes memories of those Christmas's past.  Memories are rekindled each time I hear the rustle of the wind through the pine trees.  I am also reminded of some of my romps through the forest on the mountain side and hearing the wind move through the trees.

Johnnie A., Eddie, Ruthie, & Dad

A church service with mother at the pump oregon

The boys singing-Boys & Men sat on one side, girls & women on the other

Our Sunday School Class