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Thursday, December 27, 2012

A Spurgeon Gem

 Reading Murray's "The Forgotten Spurgeon" and loving it. Here's a gem from the prince of preachers: "Such who think sin a trifle and have never sorrowed on account of it, we may know that their faith is not genuine. Such men as have faith which allows them to carelessly live in the present, who say, 'Well, I am saved by a simple faith' ... and enjoy the carnal pleasures and lusts of the flesh, such men are liars; they have not the faith which will save the soul. ... Oh! if any of you have such faith as this, I pray God to turn it out bag and baggage."


  1. Thank you. We are forgiven much and I take my sin way too lightly.

    P.S. I like the new look of your site. It looks JOYFUL!

  2. Thank You, Laurie. I am still playing around with it and ran out of time. I found it hard to read my own posts with the gray on black and trying to get out of the Christmas mode.
