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Monday, November 8, 2021


 Let's play a little game of "What ifs".

I rode the waves of hope and despair, alone in my feelings, anger, and…then it happened, I became a Mrs.  What if I never became a Mrs.?  I became a mother.  What if I never became a mother?  

What if I told you that I have climbed many “low peaks” and climbed many silent mountainsides?

What if, I told you that my many paths were at times particularly tricky because what began as a jubilant, rejoicing time looming in the long distance was the steep incline requiring careful placement of feelings and emotions.  Looming in the distance visibility was moment by moment.

What if I told you, I was fortunate to stay on the trail with its unexpected disappointments.  There were many times filled with annoyances and obstacles that threatened to tarnish my reputation and marriage. 

What if told you, I had choices to make, I could resort to despair, throw in the towel or trudge along or enjoy the  sporadic panoramic views I was afforded through the treasures of Scripture and hymns.

What if I told you, there were days I felt very lonely as I discovered that I would be struggling with health issues for the rest of life, I would be struggling to maintain relationships, I would be trying to keep from stumbling as I climbed my daily mountains.

2 Cor.4:6-18

What if you had THE CHANCE, would you change something in your personal history?

If you had a chance to live perfectly, how would that look?

What if you woke up suddenly because the house was on fire?  What three things would you grab as you ran out?  Figuratively speaking, my house was on fire many times, however, I had several resources available to me:  An all-powerful God who is working in me!!!!,

 God’s Word, “Is not my word like fire declares the Lord, and like a hammer that breaks a rock to pieces?” (Heb.23:29)

Prayer “…intercessory prayer is a powerful tool in the hands of a righteous people.” J Mac (James 5:16)

What if I told you that God's mercies are new every morning, a fresh supply of love, inexhaustible supply of restoration and blessings.  If God's mercies never fail, then I depend on them more and more through out the day, again and again.  This is such an awesome concept.

What if I told you that none of us have ever been handed a perfect heritage.  We have received a mix of good and bad, because our parents learning by doing and limited by their own weakness did not always offer what was needed.  In light of this, God's concept of mercy is inexplicable.

What if I told you that "In the day when I cried out, God answered me." Ps.138:3. "Though I walk in the midst of trouble you will revive me." Ps. 138:7

What if I told you that God knows, understands, comprehends, is acquainted with all my way, and knows everything that I say. Ps.139)

What if I told you that life is compounded by circumstances of God's own choosing.  When seemingly breathless and stabbed by endless verbal attacks, that whisper, "Be still and KNOW that I am God."  that comfort, to know that God is present.  He is a help in trouble.

If it were not for the comfort of those words, the staggering burden would have driven me to despair.

What if I told you that we were created in God's image and likeness.  If that is true then why the push to change DNA?

What if I told you that God continues to use issues/events to spot light our sins that need the Masters touch and our repentance.  I pray that God would renew the vision amidst the daily routines and aging process.  (2 Cor.4:16)

What if I told you neighborhood walks bury cares and worries easily for a time.

What if I told you that when the decibels of multiple "little stresses" arise which make you want to scream, when praising God takes all strength, am I demonstrating a quiet dependence on God or does it leave me recovering from gripes, complaints and woes?

What if I told you that when my heart was weak friends have strengthened it with words of encouragement.  When my spirit was drooping, they have helped me.  I listened to their songs of deliverance.  Lest you think it might be you, yes, however, these words are from my journal from 2003.

What if I fold you that it was still a struggle to be the Mrs.?

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