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Saturday, October 23, 2021


 "To live is to be disappointed."

The other day my five year old grandson was so proud of himself being able to bounce a basket ball 20 times in a row.  He declared that he wanted to be a basketball player when he grows up.

Children see everything as potentiality while 20 year olds suffer the illusion that will open up to many possibilities, however, as I get older, I realize that many potentialities are illusions.  Life has a way of drifting in and out of disappointments.  This broken world is full of disappointments.

A statement recently struck me, "Look guys, we need to manage our expectations."  We all have dreams and expectations, and when they fail, disappointment fills our puny minds because God knows the bigger picture.

The thing is we are all born into a broken world and in the context of a bigger picture and "Hope is the anticipated reality."  Many times we arrive at weeks end  by our selfish prayers and expectations of them being answered with an out come we would prefer, however, not knowing the bigger picture puts us at a disadvantage of not knowing what is best, even when God says, it's time to come home.

You never know where life will take us.  We never know when life will be taken.

There are a few precious things that no one can take away from me and these have been a comfort through out my years:

>My access to God has never been denied. (Heb. 4:16)

>The Word of God has always been available to me and nobody can take it out of my mind.

>The hope of heaven, everlasting life, peace, joy, and love.

When the righteous cry for help, the LORD hears and delivers them out of all their troubles. The LORD is near to the brokenhearted and saves the crushed in spirit. (Psa 34:17-18)

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