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Wednesday, October 6, 2021

A Page in My History


Make today, your day in history count. This is a day that the Lord has made, it is part of His story.
All right, let's go, let's do it, here we go.
Nothing is going on. Lot's is going on. Each page begs to be filled.
Day after day we are presented with another day, another day of what? Does the "past prove future" or does the "future prove past"?
These are just my thoughts as we plough through the book of Genesis.  
Today, my sisters and I have been exploring together the amazing, the inspiring, and tragic events transpiring in history past. This morning we considered chapter 3. Our pastor considers this chapter:
"the most vitally important chapter in all the Bible. It is the foundation of everything that comes after it (past proves future). Without it, little else in Scripture or in life would make sense. It explains the condition of the universe and the state of humanity.
It explains why the world has so many problems. I
It explains the human dilemma.
It explains why we need a Savior.
It explains what God is doing in history." (future proves past)
~The Battle for the Beginning: the Bible on Creation and the Fall of Adam, p.195
Our prayer focus:
To consider the fall of mankind and the effects of sin in that first family and beyond, spend time thanking God for His provision of forgiveness sin...and praising God for the work of redemption in Gen.3:15.

"Who controls the past controls the future: who controls the present controls the past." ~George Orwell quote

However, in a spiritual context, we would say that God controls the past and the present. We call it Sovereignty.
I would never want to go back to the past of my teen years, however if past proves the future it has made me what I am today.
Those were some agonizing seasons in life. 

I would not have classified myself as a "normal" teenager. I generally heeded wisdom and instruction, however, emotional pain existed. You might have called me Puritanical, as I did not indulge in what my peers were into. If truth be told, I was very intimidated by them.

I had never been to a movie theater or seen a movie until I moved to SoCal. after graduating from collage, made my own clothes, or wore donated ones, and of all horrors, more interested in listening to Mexican music.

I believe God had placed it into my heart a desire to do what was right. Well most of the time. The seeds of past proved that earlier lessons in life future proved God's intention in my life was to bring me through many seasons of future events to stretch my faith and to accentuate his presence.
I went (past proved) through many seasons, some short, others long.

So back to the Genesis His Story, the highlight of "past proves future" is to learn about our universe, its beginnings and about those who live/lived in it, what God is doing/has done in history, and why.

No photo description available.

"God relishes surprise. We want lives of simple, predictable ease, smooth, even trails as far as the eye can see, but God likes to go off-road. He provokes us with twists and turns. He places us in predicaments that seem to defy our endurance,comprehension, and yet don't. By his love & grace, we persevere. The challenges that make our hearts leap & stomachs churn invariably strengthen our faith & grant measures of wisdom & joy we would not experience otherwise..."Tony Snow's essay.

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