Who ever you are and why you are here, I am glad you found this spot.
Sensing several years ago that I needed to pursue JOY and live up to my given middle name, blogging through my life journey became an outlet to reminded me of the many seasons I have traveled through.
A large portion of my life has been care giving.
Now don't get me wrong, although care giving can lead to many unique blessings. The insanity lies in the repetition and definition of insanity in that case I would be certifiable each year.
Along the way, I as Dona Quixote, have traveled many miles with the Don. There comes a point when sanity saving measures must be put into place.
Type A caregivers will not agree and they can carry on at will, however, here are my suggestions for sanity savers:
Clean clothes-bathroom-dishes
are priorities. Everything else is a
lick and a promise.
The ones that are unreal, the
demands that don't match your
Plans change, Dr's appointments
get rescheduled-caregivers or
loved ones get sick-caregivers
don't show up (big time).
Crises arise.
Put decisions on auto pilot when
possible. Extra decision making for
two is tiring, admit it.
Make the best choice possible and
repeat it. Figure out your daily
pattern and repeat it. Set a
Spending time with God in his
Word will alter your perspective.
The most unexpected part of caregiving is the people who are affected by your life, your story.
There is always something extraordinary about someone who chooses to join the journey.
While the world views loved ones as a liability, the right people, the ones God sends view it from a heavenly perspective.
I have relished being a part of many lives in the unique world of caregiving.