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Monday, April 17, 2017


It was 1956, and I was seven years old.
It was a very, very special day for me.

It was THE DAY I asked God to be my Savior.
My parents faith became MY faith on THAT day.

I vividly remember kneeling with my mother on the cold concrete floor
beside the cold steel bunk bed with a tender heart warmed by that decision I had just made.  I had just invited Jesus to come into my life.

A PEARLY GIRLY:  Oh my Word!!! Remember those POP BEADS?

I had learned at an early age that to become a child of God, I must confess my sins and believe deep down in my heart, that Jesus died for me, and has forgiven me my sins.
  Right then and there Jesus promised me ETERNAL LIFE, a life that just keeps on going FOREVER, but not necessarily on this earth.

I learned shortly after this that LIFE on this earth is shorter for some and longer for others.
God took one of my school mates to live with Him in Heaven when he was just seven yrs. old and that incident totally changed some of my heart attitudes and actions.
OUR HOME during this time in my life and in one of those rooms, I began my Spiritual baby steps.

Little did I know at that time that Jesus was watching over me, loving me, and caring for me all these  years.

It would be later that I would learn that  coming to Jesus with an obedient heart, and letting Him be boss of my life was to be part of  my life.
Standing on the bridge in front of our house with my first brother and sister, 1956

Learning to respect and honor my parents and pay attention to the Bible truths became very important to me through out time.

I was always looking for true and clear explanations of God’s Word.  I was learning to honor and respect God's Word because it was God's Word to me.

But the hardest part is obeying what I did learn.  And even as old as I am now, I am still learning to obey.

As Robert Frost in his poem would say:

“I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence
Two roads went two different ways into a wood, and I~
I took the one less traveled by
And that has made all the difference.”
Robert Frost

Some people choose THAT other different way.  Will your different way be the right way?


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