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Thursday, January 12, 2017


Morning HAS arrived!  It IS another day!
The night was short, not all my dreams have come true.  Not that I want them to.

My thoughts run rampant at night with hours of laying awake.  They are full of replays of the day.  I have found a full moon staring at me one night and the next with clouds and showers, the lonely train whistle, or an unexpected rude awakening sudden thump.

It has been dreary, overcast, and raining in my beloved sunny California.  Writing is a source of pleasure for me.  It is a respite from a hurricane of crazy chaos that  envelopes me.
As I vacillate in time, I am caught up in past moments.  In some respects it has been a rough ride.  Life has been an unpredictable journey.  It has had many unexpected moments.
Yes, Time continues its forward movement.

As the last of 2016 approached, I was so grateful for God’s blessings, both great and small.  I have felt God’s presence all year long, and that’s made a difference.
God has given me much hope and has walked me through tough times.

With the loss of my youth, I have lost some hope that any of its benefits will ever return such as a good night of rest, health, hair loss, and the ravages of a disease that offers no cures other than to manage, evidences of decline, loss of agility, diminutive energy & initiative.
However, new perspectives in life come when one grieves over those losses.
If it wasn’t for the pleasures of youth and its benefits, I would not look back with gratitude for what the Lord has done in my life.  Leaving youth has somehow left me stronger and more at peace.
I have begun to run up against my limitations.  It’s a time of realization that time is limited.  I have reached the age where energy and circumstances no longer allow me to pursue some of the things I would love to.
I find myself contemplating “cultivating joy”
based more on internal spiritual values and less on the ever changing outside world.
The awareness that the last stages of life are rapidly approaching signals to living life with meaning and an eternal perspective.

Psalm 90:12 So teach us to number our days, that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom.
13 Return, O Lord, how long? and let it repent thee concerning thy servants.
14 O satisfy us early with thy mercy; that we may rejoice and be glad all our days.
15 Make us glad according to the days wherein thou hast afflicted us, and the years wherein we have seen evil.
16 Let thy work appear unto thy servants, and thy glory unto their children.
17 And let the beauty of the Lord our God be upon us: and establish thou the work of our hands upon us; yea, the work of our hands establish thou it.


1 comment:

  1. "My life right now is like my 401(k)–about half its worth!” There’s no question: Life can seem hopeless and pointless at times. But imagine being a woman who can treat each day as if it—and it alone—were a God-given, golden day. Looking at your day from a “golden day” perspective helps you practice priorities. And it’s also “the why” that will motivate you to carry them out.

    But what if your day has been one of failure? A day for merely surviving? Thanks be to God who enables you to forget today and reach forward to tomorrow! It’s just as Philippians 3:14 NASB says, “Press on toward the goal” — again, and again, and again. Keep following after God’s heart no matter what.

    Lord, help me look to You when my day is going well… and when it’s looking bleak. I want to serve You and honor You in everything I do. Amen."
    Elizabeth George
