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Tuesday, August 30, 2016


So, I thought I would share my 5 day adventure and time of respite away from the daily grind of care giving, not that it has been arduous, however, it can take a toll.
Ready to fly out of Burbank

I traded this experience from the quietness of senior care to the opposite end of the spectrum, reconnecting with the grand kids.
I began this adventure at our local airport in Burbank due to its close proximity to our house.BOB HOPE AIRPORT  Our house is under the landing approach and one can see landmarks of our neighborhood from the plane.  The planes fly over our house, give or take one house or another, using Sherman Way as their guideline.  Once-in-awhile while on a walk through the neighborhood, a stray plane will go over one block away.
When my plane is due back home, when it flies over our house, then it is time to head for the airport  to be picked up.
My plane, Redmond airport getting ready

What I thought interesting while waiting for my flight was that it was very relaxing and if you are in to people watching.I observed several carrying Porto’s paper bags. PORTOS'-BAKERY-CAFE-BURBANK
 Yes, they say one can carry a cake on board.   Now Porto’s Bakery for those of you locals is just down the way from the airport. It is not the place to take a senior who has hearing aids and it takes patience to stand in line for the food (mostly Cuban type), however, their carrot cake is scrumptious and made from the real thing.  It is the noisiest eating place that I have ever been to, Stone Fire being the second.STONE FIRE GRILL
Capturing some of the Sisters

After boarding the plane,those “puddle Jumper” size ones that only hold around 70, in Burbank, a strange request came over the intercom with a message from the pilot.  He stated that we did not have enough baggage in the hold and was requesting two volunteers to go sit in the seats in the back so as to even up the load as those smaller planes are very sensitive to balance load issues.
  Due to the fact that united charges fees for any checked luggage, I could understand the weight dilemma.   Everybody had carry-on luggage.  The overhead compartments were taxed to the limit.  I hoisted my overloaded back pack and pushed and shoved it in to fit, along with 50 other people making their way to their seats. The overhead was packed.
(Next time perhaps, I’ll try Alaska or Southwest.)
My feet froze all the way to Redmond despite wearing socks.
Somewhere in Oregon just before Redmond, Arriving at sun set

Upon arriving in San Francisco it was cold & windy, we had quite a hike up to the main terminal, down off the plane, walk between barricades, and then up on ramps and into those tubes that finally led to the main terminal.  Finding myself all out of breath, I made my way to those very comfortable plush,sofa-like chairs and collapsed to catch my breath,regain composure and eat a sandwich while waiting for the connecting flight only to repeat the hike in reverse.  (Determined on the return flight to take it a little slower, which I did.)

I Have Arrived.  Waiting for Amy to pick me up

The plane landed in Redmond just as the sun was setting.
So apparently when one reaches a certain age, they stamp paw prints on your boarding pass and are not required to take off shoes going through security. 

Keeping busy
I liked that but it got me to thinking if it only occurred at the small airports.
I was also impressed with a cute special waiting area for children to occupy their time while waiting.

The return flight was about an hour late leaving as some mechanical failure prevented immediate departure, however, they had us all sit on the window ledge for about 20 minutes, we then boarded a hot stuffy plane only to sit another half hour.  The pleasant, European sounding accented voice of our female pilot kept us informed.  At the end of that jaunt, I was pleasantly surprised to see our kind of short, stocky, blond, happy pilot lady, a first for me in my not so frequent plane adventures.
CLOUD RIPPLES- Approaching S.F

Sandwiched in-between those plane rides was a pleasant visit with my daughter and the grand kids.
The girls gave up their bed room for the four nights I was there.  The children greeted me enthusiastically and of course were disappointed that it was so close to bedtime but tomorrow would be another day.
The next morning after breakfast, we set off on a trek to the park, three kids on bikes, one in the stroller with the snacks along with and extra neighbor kid that joined us along the way.

Having forgotten the water bottles to go with the snack, a bunch of thirsty kids, no drinking fountain, other than that in the restroom faucet (Yuck), we cut our visit to that park short.

The very blue skies, the fresh air, the flowers in front yards yielded to a very pleasant walk back to the house and nap time, again gaining a few extra kids on their bikes along the way.

With renewed energy we went to the central fountain across from Redmond City Hall.  It was a warm day and a good way to release energy and cool off.
Cooling off

Another day we went to a super cool park with interesting things to do.
Another park with cool activities

Thurs. of that week, apparently was my birthday.

I was wondering why it was sooo quiet at 7am that morning and I had slept in. Each child was busy with an electronic device. Then my fantastic fun four-year-old grand daughter said "Happy Birthday, grammie" with a big hug. Gotta love those hugs. The bestest of gifts.

That evening I was treated to a Mexican dinner at The Mazatlan Family Mexican  Restaurant.  All the waitresses came over to our table, put a Charro hat on me and sang happy birthday.  To top it off, the flan dessert was to die for.

My fantastic, fun-loving-four-year-old grand daughter had such a fun time with that hat.
We made a late, almost at closing time trip to the Good Will and found some treasures.  Just my daughter and oldest grand daughter.
Another highlight on Saturday morning with no more than two kids in tow, we searched around the blocks searching for useful and used stuff to buy or otherwise called garage/yard sales and found some useful treasures.

One thing that always impresses my mind as to how many books abound at the thrift stores and yard sales up here in Oregon.  We found that to be true on other trips up there.

At one sale, there was about 10 boxes of children’s books.  I enquired as to why and the lady replied that she had just retired as a teacher and was trying to repurpose all her books to good use and was happy when I bought some for the grand kids.
I spotted a scrounger
A Techie in process
"No one loves you more than me.  I love you more than you think.  You will always be the best.  I love you more eney thing." ~7-yr.-old Chloe
The girls made special LOVE HEARTS with the tiniest shells I have ever seen.  They added ribbon so I "can hang it on my Christmas tree"  this year with a feather for flair.  So much love poured into these projects.  I will treasure these little symbols of their love.

Love Notes for my birthday

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