We focused on God’s MERCY as part of a bigger plan.
We were encouraged to view our decisions and understand that our circumstances in life are where God has us now, even though it appears we are headed for crises or chaos God is in control of our choices and stressors of even the smallest decisions.
Just as God has chosen this story in Ruth using it to demonstrate His MERCY and love, how is God demonstrating his love and MERCY in our current circumstances? We never know how God will use our story to encourage others. We are being watched.
Are we being faithful and doing our part? We live out and demonstrate God’s MERCIES in numerous ways as we care for loved ones.
In the context of chaos and family loss, God showered this family in Ruth with his MERCY,
Boaz ’s step-to-step MERCIFUL provision.
The final chapter wraps up this incredible story of MERCY as the one next of kin has no MERCY and backs out of the deal when he realizes it would jeopardize his estate.
There will be times when our families back out of perceived responsibilities when they count the cost as we care for loved ones.

A 180 degree turn from no hope at the beginning to the provision of a son gives us an emerging glimpse as the author connects this story to the bigger picture, the birth of Christ. The birth of Obed was much cause for celebration and praising God.
God took current circumstances to demonstrate His love, provision, hope, and MERCY as well as giving God the glory in the end.
Feelings-of-despair RUTH CLICK HERE
catching-glimmers-just-happens-tos. RUTH CLICK HERE
The-incredible-drama-continues. RUTH CLICK HERE