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Thursday, July 16, 2015

A CAREGIVERS JOURNEY and Welcomed Surprises

A CARE GIVERS JOURNEY: Welcomed Surprises?

Welcomed surprises or not?
Some welcomed surprises come when least expected and if pictures are worth a thousand words then let me explain that my co-care giver, my husband, had a knack for catching me in not so gracious and anxious moments.
He managed to capture moments of a physically tired care giver who was mentally and emotionally exhausted from managing our adventures.
I will be the first to admit to my shortcomings and to witness the predictably unpredictable in my companions of the day.
When my body was screaming sit down and rest my loved ones were rapidly forging on ahead at a pace I found difficult to keep and maintain. the pace they had set, each one of us with a goal in mind.  Be it to get on with the adventure or search for a place to rest.
 The calm, quiet, serene surroundings of Friendly Valley with a view of the golf course were a perfect back drop for this care giver.
God’s ways are perfect when the choice is his.
I have been blessed by this experience.

1 comment:

  1. You definitely walked through many different kinds of days! How I treasure the Schoofs for their love for us.
