My parents made many trips, however, they never really called them vacations as they entailed one thing or another.
Here is the entry, titled, TEN COMMANDMENTS FOR VACATION.
- Thou SHOULD take a vacation; make it a GOOD Vacation. Refresh yourself and enjoy your family. Then come back eager to give your best for God's Work.
- Thou SHOULD not go as far as you can. That approach is exhaustive rather than relaxing.
- Thou SHOULD plan with your family well in advance. Order brochures, read a lot, let everyone help plan. Many times the anticipation is more fun than the actual trip.
- Thou SHOULD secure replacements for your Leadership positions in the church well in advance for adequate preparations.
- Thou SHOULD plan one good trip rather than several so-so-ones. Traveling in itself is usually not refreshing. Refreshing comes from what you do after you arrive.
- Thou SHOULD not use God's money to pay for your vacation.
- Thou SHOULD take good short trips. Stop early in the day. Swim with the family. Eat a leisurely evening meal.
- Thou SHALT bring folks who spend vacation with you to church.
- If thou remaineth at home for your vacation then thou SHALT not take the week-end for running around.
- Thou SHOULD not vacation from the Lord's house on the Lord's day. Plan where you will be at the house of worship. Select outstanding churches in the area and attend worship. Observe and bring back helpful suggestions to your church.