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Saturday, March 15, 2014

Celebrating God's Presence in My Life

 I am sitting here reflecting on God's abundant goodness toward me and how quickly we assume our earthly mortality.   In many pleasant and unexpected ways, I have been celebrating His presence in my life.
How often do we think of ourselves as terminal?  For now I continue to be a sojourner and exile on this earth.
Last weeks incident in my life truly kept me from feeling too at home on this earth, however, I am thankful, for the many blessings that have come my way because of it.

I am living in and for this life as a stepping stone, a training ground for something eternal.  If anything, I have been reminded to consider what tasks God has given me at this stage of life.  I feel a sense of renewed strength.  Now to reflect the love and joy of Christ as I do them.
Many times, we are taken on these unexpected paths to re-direct our pursuit of the One who gives joy.    (Psalm 27:13  I am confident of this: I will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living.)
Every season has its challenges unique to that season but every season has its  blessings unique to that season.   The Lord has given me a new lease on life of which, I intend to take advantage of.   Even if waiting for now.

Looking forward to continuing on in my ministry in the nursery and with Our Gentle Man.  A friend recently mentioned "God is never late, nor is He early, He arrives precisely when He means too."    This was truly demonstrated to me this last week as the end to and start of a new day unfolded and I was carried into a whirl wind of activities to save  potential fatal consequences to my heart.  I have been enjoying a much needed respite and have been the recipient of the other side of care giving.

1 comment:

  1. We are anxious for your return to us too. So thankful for God's timing and continuing to trust Him with you.
