John 13:7 when he said, “You don’t understand now what I am doing, but someday you will.”
Some things we don’t ever get to know because that is how the Lord works.
The beauty of childhood is that it connects us to the now.
When you bow down for comfort and direction where do you go?
That first comfort may well be tears
There are moments in life that are impossible to forget.
The words, "move on" and "have more faith" are unintentional words by well meaning friends, a false comfort of sorts.
But the comfort comes from intentional remembering. It is a privilege and a gift to remember.
Griefs and disappointment, however, do have to move on somewhat, but "...we never simply 'move on'. Life is too sacred for that. No matter what anyone may tell you, remembering is an expression of faith when surrendered to God as an act of worship."
"Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted." Matthew 5:4
Spiritual muscles are formed by tears, remembering, mourning.
Remember, God changes the seasons, but the truths remain.
Resentment, anger, unforgiveness, bitterness, blame, regret, worldly vices are poor false comforts that afflict the heart and mind.
The fragments of life, you think are not worth remembering, do have a ways of surfacing by a taste, a photo, a quote, something you see or feel.
In His word He has provided for us all things necessary to be comforted, even in the face of difficulties in this world.
• His word gives us comfort as does His people.
• His word gives us comfort as does His people.
In 2014 our only son was snatched into Heaven.
I had no tears. The tears came much later. During this time while I worked in the church nursery, a mother checking her young daughter into my room asked how I was doing.
I had no tears. The tears came much later. During this time while I worked in the church nursery, a mother checking her young daughter into my room asked how I was doing.
As I shared from my heart, her mother who was visiting and listening to our conversation, cried for me.
I was emotionally touched as I saw tears from her eyes as she listened. Tears for me. As I pen or type these words, yes tears now flow easier. That was a point of comfort for me, not just the shallow words, "I'm sorry for your loss".