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Thursday, June 14, 2018


How painfully we struggle in life.

 "In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us through wordless groans."  Romans 8:26

Reading again through my journal from the early 1970's, I began to see a pattern emerging.  I was painfully dealing with exhausting, burdensome, agonizing emotions.  The intensity was often overwhelming.  Those emotions accompanied me where ever I went.
 I had fallen victim of my feelings, insecurity, anger, fear, jealousy, depression, and high on the list was discouragement.
  My deteriorating health made them more difficult to manage.  I recorded my melt downs.
 Over and over again, one entry after another found me submitting those emotions to God.  Many Scripture verses spoke to me.
I fought back spiritually with the Word, developing a stronger faith.  I determined to fill my mind with the power of God's Word.
My little event full dramas constantly changed.  I would flit between states of joy, rejection, euphoria, and discouragement, and anything between.

 They revealed my true affections and in whom I trusted.  They rebelled against how I knew I should feel.
 I prayed for wisdom and guidance.  I learned and grew closer to God in the process.  I grew in my understanding of myself and my understanding of life under God's control.  I fell in love with the book of Romans.
"We feel what we feel because we think what we think and do what we do!"  ~Somebody

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